Saturday, February 21, 2009

Random Day

1. Ummm, I have FIVE pairs of Chucks.
Pink, Cream, Green, Yellow, Red.

Really, Stace?

The next number I have multiples of is 3. Then there are a lot of fraternal twins

2. I don't think I'm going to get tired of American Boi. Estelle is my GIRL! and you know I love 'Ye

3. I just found out an ex, the first boyfriend I had at FAM, passed away last week. Gastric bypass gone wrong. I was shocked, more so by how big he must have gotten to need gastric bypass.

4. I have to get my chronic sinusitis in order. Just found out my grand uncle and Ghanian godfather found multiple myelomas in his nasal cavity. He's been a long time sufferer of sinusitis.

5. I still can't open my mouth to its widest cause of what the ortho tech did to me and the resulting infection. I was almost in tears trying to eat a breakfast sandwich from Micki Dee's this past Tuesday

6. Last week, I was thinking if marriage is what Drew and I do on the weekends but everyday, I'm not sure I want that. Kinda boring.

7. I still don't know what the Poke feature on Stacebook means. Mini Me said it's to get someone's attention. the person who has been poking me EVERYDAY has my phone number and unlimited text... I don't know what the problem is.

8. My car has been at the shop since yesterday evening. You know how much money that thing is going to cost if its been getting worked on for 24 hours? Now I know they aren't working on it round the clock but damn! Where is my Tima?!

9. Diana Ross is my celebrity idol. I love her almost as much as I love MJJ. When I was younger, I used to fluff out my hair out and sing along to her videos; much to the dismay of Mom Dukes

10. Drew and I have challenged Dani and Shayne to a game night. Jam and Rah, Joy and Kesi, Patti and PHI, La and BOB, y'all are next in our Will and Grace-esque domination.

11. I am seriously going to have a coffee table book of children's art one day. It's like invented spelling without words. So straight to the point and literal. and don't let there be a caption like, "It is sunee. We can rid bix" (It is sunny. We can ride bikes. the long 'I' is tricky, as is the trailing 'y')

12. On the way home from work on Friday, I realized I only want one child. A girl with the prettiest name I can think of. But that can be lonely...

13. I really want a black Coach with gold hardware. This one. But she's too big for me. I cyber tried her on.

14. I think I might send myself some flowers on Friday. Naw, I'll just get some from Publicks.

15. I'm bored.

16. I'm waiting for 'Single Ladies' to come on the radio while Drew and I are in the car so I can abruptly ask Drew if/when he's going to put a ring on it. I think that would be an awesome ice breaker.

17. I need new music in my life.

18. I think I need a good cry. I feel like I'm on emotional auto-pilot

19. My bro is turing 25 this Thursday. I can't believe it. I hope 25 is as good for him as it was for me. Then there's the other side of 25...

20. I burst Jameil's bubble about going to the beach in Virginia in October and it was funny.

-log out-

4 returned the favor:

DaniColoredGlasses said...

#6..I want you to figure that out before #16 comes up.

#10....BRING IT!!!!!!!!!!!

#16....UMMM...REALLY? can't you just cue it up on the ipod?

#18...I seriously have to get better abt the periodic tear-shed....Its so necessary.

the joy said...

"whoa son you wanna battle?!" that's what Kesi said. Its going down!

Adei von K said...

Dani- yeah, I need to figure out #6 too. and as for #16, that's why I keep you around! it didn't even cross my mind to actually PLAY the song!

Joy- and Drew hasn't been to the A?!?! Its going down!

Jameil said...

less chucks. you're an adult. get it together. me and infection girl (the one who did it) would have serious issues. marriage isn't all fun and games. you know, your rents are married. lol. i ignore pokes b/c it sounds lewd to me. game night? it's on. as long as you don't get a logo bag... FINE! SEPTEMBER!! hater.