Wednesday, May 12, 2010


hey y'all.

I'm here. I'm reading. Just don't feel like posting. But here's an update.

My mom is going to Ghana for 3 months. She leaves tomorrow.

My brother bought a house.

I'm now 28 years old.

I got my professional contract (tenure).

The school year is almost over (15 school days).

I'm going car shopping with my dad this Friday.

Tima is getting better.

I'm feeling a down swing coming up.

One of my first college friends lost her mother Monday.

I need to get a move on with Texas. FAM, needs my 1st born dipped in the blood of Christ before I can get a transcript short of driving up to Tally myself.

Drew got me earrings.

I haven't cooked in over 2 weeks. Well, I kinda cooked when Jam was here. It was more like team cooking. Gotta get over that. Take-out adds up.

I need new music.

and that's bout it.