Monday, April 21, 2008

not the one

so remember how i hated the rigamarole of renting a car? well returning it is just as bad.

that night i put drew to work to find me some deals came to bite me in the ass. so by saving 50% off my car rental (not renting from the enter.prise at the airport which btw opens at 5am 7 days a week), i lost my piece of mind AND had to take an hour of my personal time out of work. seeing how the agency doesn't open till 730 and i'm supposed to be in my classroom at 730, i sent an e-mail thinking i'd get to work at 8 and not miss anything.

think closer to 835-840am. why? fcuking car said, "check tire pressure" and i had to put air in it!!!!!! but on top of that, we know that MY car is acting a fool lately and I had a fcuking flat!!!! AAAAAANNNNNNNNNND the two nosiest mutherfuckers in school were the people in the front office when i walked in. one of them is a guy with no real certification, but calls himself the behavior interventionist... nosy mutherfcuker STAYS in my business!!! it used to be funny but all day today, "you gonna come to school on time tomorrow ms kutieboots?" all with the loudness and announcing my tardiness to the whole world. really? REALLY?? not the one today. any other day, it can be that fake ass being in my business but today, I got in his ass and said "are you going to stay out of my business? let's try that first." GTFOOHWTBS (get the fcuk outta here with that bull shit)

my kids were alright today. they are perfect angels outside the classroom and all the teachers were dropping mad L on how quiet my class was. even the AP said, "oh my gosh, its like there's not even a class in the hallway". that was the only good point of the day.

the phone and internet lines went down so you already know how center time went with groups of children telling me, "ms kutieboots, the computer is not working"


My monkey ass little sister tried my life yesterday and was seriously trying to argue the fact that getting 4 tickets is worse than getting 3 tickets. but wait. i got four in the course of 4 years. you my dear got 3 in one sitting.

1. speeding in a school zone. she said she was going 45 in a 40 but you dumb little girl, you will NEVER find a 40MPH around a school. try your lie again.

2. driving without a license. come to find out, she still has her restricts

3. according to her, the redneck police officer walked away before she could pull her insurance out so she got another tic for no insurance. sounds like another pile of shit to me. whatever the case, we got into a HEATED, nan one of us Taureans are backing down argument over which is worse. then her dumb ass closed my case for me. "well i've been driving for 3 years and one day, got three tix. you are a repeat offender!"


you've been driving for 3 years and have 3 tix? as opposed to me who's been driving for 11 years with four? shut the fcuk up. at your gangsta rate, you'll get 1000 tickets a year, stupid, and i'll be getting... 0.3 a year?? the argument got heated when she was being sore loser abt it.

I want to get pregnant. why? my skin will clear the fcuk up.

i get my skin from my dad. mom has skin like jameil, you can look at ANY bar or soap, or even just water and its clear as the day they were born. i... have to try everything on the market to get blemished skin. i've done desquam-e before it was over the counter and what ya'll know as persa-gel (benzoyl peroxide), i've done neutrogena oil free acne wash, up and down clean and clear's line, proactive, oil of olay, salicylic acid, benz perox, zinc masks, clindamycin PO and topical, biore, kiehl's, even some high end stuff drew got from me from aventura. there was a point at HU when i was told to boil my water before washing my face and even using bottled water on my skin. i just spent too much money in publix buying some neutrogena stuff i haven't tried yet. i just don't want to be that 26 year old who looks like puberty just hit. i know i slip on the water intake but before i went to pitts, my skin has been on the fritz and hasn't recovered since.
my last resort is birth control, something i reeeeeeeally don't want to do. i know its come a long way in its purpose and side effects but too many women in my family have too many problems with periods, cysts, fibroids, ovaries, uteruses, problems at childbirth, tubes, and all that gynecological stuff. not trying to mess with nature for some clear skin, ya dig?

my phone dies at the drop of a hat now. great. something else to add to the mix.

okay, i'm over my rant. i must go cut out some center activities since school wants to trip with the internet.

P.S. one of my favorite students felt the need to share something today. i had to write it down!

"Ms. Kutieboots! I- I- I have something to tell you! My- my favorite number is one hundred sixty one. i just like that number a lot! a lot Ms. kutieboots!!"

he's the same lil mexican who told me he has "so much poooooooooo!"

6 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

lmao @ 161!!! hilarity. 3 in one sitting? no ma'am. i wish i was there so i could hug you. this day was (almost) laughably sucky.

GreatWhyte said...

Scrrrrrr........ **that was the sound of my bullshit ass Saturn backing up to reach you** Did you say no birth control? No ma'am.

Jazzy said...

161 huh? lol...well OK then.

The skin...drink LOTS of water. I mean a WHOLE LOT. My mother and all my sisters have great skin - like my grandmother. But me? Well I REALLY have to work at it. Sometimes something will work and then it just stops doing the job. *sigh* Now I just switch betwen a seaweed and an apricot scrub and follow up with an oil-free moisterizer. It has done WONDERS!

LOL @ your busy body co-worker. Bet that shut his azz up!

the joy said...

See that's too much ish right there. You had a rough day.

My face has been breaking out like a pre teen. I don't know why... Bah. I can see your point with the birth control... What about a low dose? You just reminded me of a funny birth control story...

Cluizel said...

hmmm yeah...that's way too much for one day.

11 years driving? damn homie! seriously

Victoria Page said...

As far as your skin goes, water, water, water is key. The funny thing about breakouts like this(I had one last right cheek looked like an open wound) is its just trial and error. The final thing that worked for me was Acne Free (the fake proactiv, this was after I tried the real thing).