Saturday, July 10, 2010

30's the New 20?

Why something always got be the new-new? Can't we just appreciate where we are? Maybe even take it back? Why come Jay Zee turned 40 so now it's the new 30? Is 30 where it's at? And when Drew turned 30 the other day, why did a 34 y.o we dined with say, "It's the new 20!"?

Did I miss a memo?
Was 20 the hauteness?

Now don't get me wrong, I'd LOVE to re-live my college days, all 2,555 of them. (Well, not alllll of them.) But when Niko (RJ's new boo) made the aforementioned statement, I was INSTANTLY taken back to 2002.


Okay, I turned 20 in May of 2002 so sophomore year was clearly over. I just gotten word I'd be attending FAMU with my brother who just graduated from Suncoast High. In May of 2002, I got my 2nd tattoo, a star on where I guess would be an ovary. Summer 2002, my family and I drove to Hampton to get my things out of storage. I left a note for Martina and BB on a trunk. I really think we drove back to Florida without a word coming out of my mouth.

Summer 2002, the guy I was dealing with starts to show his ass. We go back and forth via snail mail. (LMMFAO) I don't even remember what was said but I come thisclose to telling him, "That's why you weren't my first like I said you were." But I knew I wouldn't be coming back to HU and I didn't want him talking iSht about me while I wasn't there. He stamps, affirms, and confirms my decision to not make my first person anyone special. I could only imagine how I would've felt if he WAS my first. Someone would've had had to die. And it wasn't going to be me.

Fall 2002, first semester at FAMU... interesting. "Does anyone have class here?" Not taking a class but social class.

One thing I did notice was how openly Greek stuff was here. EVERYTHING was claimed with two colors and two years. I thought that was cool.

I shared a townhouse with two chicks I've known forever but mostly from Suncoast. We had lots of fun. Some trying times of course but more fun like making up dance routines and watching the Best man EVERYDAY. We were also walking distance to campus. I dated a guy who was the equivalent of a Student Leader at Hampton. We went to football games together with Kim and her BF (now husband). Dee marched in the 100.

I went to an Oil Spill with Kitty and fell on the ground a lot. I wasn't drunk, there was just hella liq on the floor. Not cool. I NEVER want to fall at parties and look like "that chick". Kitty got bit in the ass. We got barked at and guerilla-style dry humped. My car got broken into and all my CDs were gone. DEVASTATED. I then decided "I don't like Ques." They weren't like the ones at Hampton. FAMU Ques were beyond nasty and uncouth. and the ones from Florida State were extra hype. I assumed they had to prove themselves cause they're crossed at a PWI. Oh Lord, there's a white one too. He wins the title for Too Hype.

Parties at FAM are called Cosmos, short for Cosmopolitans. No one knew what I was talking about when I said I wanted to go to Cabs, short for Cabarets. Oh well, they were fun either way.

Football games are BEYOND a blast at my new school. OMG, the band is the greatest. and I know a lot of people in the band so I make special requests. It's so cool to know so many people from home. I feel like I can be myself. But in classes where I don't know anyone, I'm seen as the bourgie chick. I think it's cause I intro myself as a transfer from Hampton university. well, that's what I was! I'm torn. I hated the pretentiousness of HU, the "keeping up appearances" the full out accepting of being bourgie. You don't have to be stuck up/stank to have class. People were full of themselves at HU. But then I get to FAM and the ghettoness has me shaking my head at every turn. Where am I? Where do I belong? I didn't make any new friends.

Christmas comes, EVERYONE is home. I love not having to catch US Air to come home. I HATED that airline. My hair is long again.

Spring 2003
I'm still 20. The Student Leader I was dating ships out on Valentine's Day. He's in the reserves. I meet the whole family when we go to St. Pete the week before. Cool, his mom ADORES me.

Classes happen, I have a 3.8 gpa, I'm an education major and I love it. I visit my beloved Hampton for CC's bday in February. OMG, I MISS ALLL MY HOMIES! IT'S SO COOL TO BE AROUND PEOPLE WHO DON'T THINK YOU'RE BOURGIE, BUT NORMAL!!

Basketball games are okay... they're in the gym so I feel a bit claustrophobic. HU played in the convocation center which hosted concerts and other big events. Am I really sitting on wooden bleachers like I'm in highschool? Oh well, the Pep Band is great so I have fun.

It's spring time so probates are happening left and right. Virgil crossed Kappa. Everyone is at his probate but I'm on the phone with SL's WIFEY. Yes, the guy I was dating has a main chick. I call Deanne and she can't understand a word I'm saying cause I'm wailing on the phone. She was also at Virgil's probate. She thought I was dying of pain or something. My heart was breaking as if it was made of poorly made glass. It's a bad time for me. I cut my hair for the 2nd time in my life. I look like a Supreme and I love it.

The end of March brings a wonderful party to my life. The Illustrious Champagne Sip. Kitty and I attend our first one Spring 2003. THEE best party EVER. EVAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRR! We get dressed up in ball gowns and drink champagne all night? So there. We had no idea how loose it would get. But loose in a good way, not in a Champagne Sip 2004 way. *whew!*

April comes and goes. Exams and graduation come and go. School's out, "summer" is here. SL is still calling me, trying to make things work. I answer the calls as part of my American duty to boost the morale of our military but the feeling is gone. I'm like a hollow heart when it comes to love at this time. One day he calls while I'm at Kitty's and I start fake crying to make him feel bad. I remember why I was dubbed Ms. Drama freshman year at Hampton. He starts crying. But I don't think he's faking. I end with, "Don't call me anymore! Call Shay! *click*" Then, a guy in her section (french horn) who I had been eyeing on stops by and I get him. My motto for the year? "Fcuk the World, literally."*

So that was 20 for me. If 30 is going to be the 2.0 version of that, I'll pass.

*so even though Kitty and I said we were going to fcuk the world, we didn't. *LMAO* I didn't crush on anyone again till the end of Spring 2004.

1 returned the favor:

Gorgeous_Puddin said...

Yeah I hear that a lot too! But I 40 is 40, 30 is 30 and 20 is 20. My motto is look good doing you whatever age and if you're 40 and look 20 then Do the dang thang! LOL!


I totally feel you on that!