Saturday, March 27, 2010


So what days are you free? You wanna try Tampa or Orlando for Spring Break?

Well, I'm playing Friday night, Saturday evening, and Tuesday night. I have studio work Monday and Wednesday. Let's plan for Thursday- Saturday.

Maaaaan! What am I supposed to do till Thursday?!!?

I don't know! That's on you! It's your Spring Break!

*light bulb*

And there it is. You are absolutely right. I'll talk to you later, bye.

End Call

It was another one of those moments when I realized I'm planning my life, even something as insignificant as Spring Break, around him. It was another moment where he, unintentionally, gave me a wake-up call. And now I'm mad I can't go anywhere fantabulous lest I pay upwards of $479 dollars. But poor planning on my part doesn't call for an emergency on kayak's part. I now must re-group my plans, as usual.

0 returned the favor: