Sunday, October 05, 2008

Don't Shop While Hungry

BTW: I coied and asted the letter after o for this ost. don't feel like doing it now

I woke up this morning with an agenda.

eat breakfast
wash own hair.

i know this house and decide to look around to see what he have and don't have. Naturally, since I want to wash my hair, we have conditioners for days but no shampoo.


now I have to go to publix and buy some cause I try not to patronize the asian/arab stores who are getting away with highway robbery. also, sallie's is closed.

make a list: shampoo and mushrooms (for brekky)

as I'm driving to the store, I realized I can't find my tweezers and my eyebrows need some help.

shampoo, mushrooms, tweezers.

Wait, I can't have a breakfast souffle with out fresh spinach!

shampoo, mushrooms, tweezers, spinach.

and I'm almost out of salsa

shampoo, mushrooms, tweezers, spinach, salsa.

since i pass the bread aisle to get to the beauty aisle, I might as well pick up some tortillas; I mean, I already have the salsa...

shampoo, mushrooms, tweezers, spinach, salsa, tortillas.

Well what's the point of tortillas if you're not going to make tacos?

shampoo, mushrooms, tweezers, spinach, salsa, tortillas, ground turkey

awww, I'm sure russ and coke would like some bones to chew on

shampoo, mushrooms, tweezers, spinach, salsa, tortillas, ground turkey, beef bones dog treats

ooooh, who doesn't like to be brushed?

shampoo, mushrooms, tweezers, spinach, salsa, tortillas, ground turkey, beef bones dog treats, two in one dog grooming brush.

now i need black beans to make my tacos REALLY good!

shampoo, mushrooms, tweezers, spinach, salsa, tortillas, ground turkey, beef bones dog treats, two in one dog grooming brush, black beans

tweezers, tweezers... oooh. I need a pedicure.

shampoo, mushrooms, tweezers, spinach, salsa, tortillas, ground turkey, beef bones dog treats, two in one dog grooming brush, black beans, pumice stone.

Finally got the tweezers and now i need taco seasoning.

shampoo, mushrooms, tweezers, spinach, salsa, tortillas, ground turkey, beef bones dog treats, two in one dog grooming brush, black beans, pumice stone, taco seasoning.

But wait, the kits are buy one, get one free. down goes the seasoning, black beans, and tortillas, up goes the soft taco and fajita kits! Now i need sour cream.

shampoo, mushrooms, tweezers, spinach, salsa, ground turkey, beef bones dog treats, two in one dog grooming brush, pumice stone, two el paso kits, but one, get one free sour cream.

Cheese, por favor.

shampoo, mushrooms, tweezers, spinach, salsa, ground turkey, beef bones dog treats, two in one dog grooming brush, pumice stone, two el paso kits, but one, get one free sour cream, shredded cheese.


do I want monterey jack cheddar or 4 cheese mexican blend?

9 returned the favor:

Southerner in Suomi said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who does this.

I start by making a list with five things and then I get to the counter and have 12 things.


Jazzy said...

LOL - I do this allllllll the time!

Even funnier is that you opied and asted the "P"! LOL

Jameil said...

you even have shopping ADD. wow... but you can come up here with all that. lol. mmm food.

the joy said...

That's just how it happens too. The only way I can shop for the one thing I came in for is if I'm angry.

What kind of phone do you have?

Desy said...

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! that completely sounds like a grocery shopping experience c Desy... but seeing you write it out was completely hilarious!

Rashan Jamal said...

Call me Mr Me Too!!!

GreatWhyte said...

Oh my gosh... this soooooo reminds me of a book I used to read with my mom called "And Don't Forget the Bacon." PLEASE read it to your kids!!!!!!

Adei von K said...

vdizz- girl, who you telling??

odiva- lol, i get on my own nerves with that mess!

jam- daaaaah. only at the grocery store!

joy- if i'm angry, i don't even bother shopping cause everything will just piss me off.
i have a tmobile dash

desy- lol, why do we do it?

rashan- lmao, you too, huh?

x- i am so going to get that book right now! thanks!!

GreatWhyte said...

Tell me if you love it! **sigh** It reminds me so much of childhood