Monday, September 01, 2008

I'm Jealous

yeah, i said it.




i am on bacefook looking at pics of my sister's first game (SHE STUCK ALL HER STUNTS!! HEEL STRETCH AND ALL!!!!) when I stumble across a classmate's profile.  Actually, I was side tracked by his status that said his name means 'el nino' in laotian or something like that.  So Jus is in Malay??  Cool, I guess.  I read his wall and its filled with other classmates saying things like, 

"don't forget to hit up phuket" or 

"i'm in kuala lumpor for the next 8 months, hit me up" or 

"check out the geological genitalia in samui" or 

"get out of phuket and go to koh phangan" and

"must do cambodia"

word?? that's how we get down in the streets??  we just take trips to asia like its nothing?  has EVERYONE who was not black at suncoast high school been to malaysia/cambodia/laos?  so right after college, we just do like the sun also rises and see where the wind takes us??   hmmmm, i feel like lounging in thailand today.  or  i think i'll go fishing in spain today or  i wonder what crossaints in france taste like?  I looked to see what they are doing professionally and none of them have jobs!!  

'Dad, I want to spend 6 months in Vietnam'  

'OK, son, make sure you take lots of pictures and have a good time.  This is a twice in a lifetime experience. I'll set up a job for you at the practice when you come back.  Or I can get you a stockbroker job on the Street. a buddy of mine owes me a favor, you remember Mr Cooper, right?'

ugh i'm reeling. i haven't been jealous since highschool.


speaking of well to do, has anyone ever watched bald'win hills???  I THOUGHT THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE BLACK VERSION OF THE HILLS!!!!!!!!!! IT SOOOOOOOOOOO ISN'T!!!  That raggedy ass show in the "hills" of L.A.; right outside compton or wherever the fcuk they are... please. I was soooooo not impressed with the two episodes I watched with my sister!! OMG, thoroughly disappointed.  If that's all it takes to be considered, whatever they consider themselves, SIGN ME UP! links luncheons before i knew who they were!! how long have i been in politics?  ron brown came to our house for dinner with city commissioners in tow. and invited us to the DNC. pharmacists, general counsel for giant entities, medical doctors, lead engineers for siemens... maaaaan, please.  no one on the block has swagger like us.

you know what though? if you're really about anything, you wouldn't be on B.E.T.

Rant over.

9 returned the favor:

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

LOL and travel the world, all though i only do africa, its fun and i get paid so consider that and hats off to phyllis wheatly on this day

Southerner in Suomi said...


Girl, I've only watched half of one eps of Baldwin Hills and some teenager (all of their parents are B-rate black celebs) was preggers. I was like "Really? That how the black bourgie get it poppin'? PASS."

GreatWhyte said...

Let's go! I say quit our jobs, snatch up La and some shorties from el ABC store and HIT THE ROAD, JACK!!!!!!!!

Jameil said...


the joy said...

Lol I don't watch anything on bet and the premise of Baldwin bla bla confuses me. But housewives of atl? I'm there. Although none of them actually live in atlanta or near me.

Let them have Asia. You have Africa0and you're makin moves!

the joy said...

I like the way X wants to take my bff but not me! Whatever! I'm stowing in some luggage. I'm broke.

Desy said...

I have already made a resolution that I will be traveling the world (but im unsure if it'll be for fun or for a purpose)... and i'm starting ASA I GRADUATE!... of course i'll be poor and i can't go far, but i'mma work it

Rashan Jamal said...

I wanna travel, but I'm good on places where you can get yellow fever. LOL

LOL @ you wanting to start your own Baldwin Hills.

"Jealousy's a muhf.. you weak jealous muhf.." Diddy 1998

Victoria Page said...

Girl.....that Baldwin Hills show is a mess....I thought it would be the same thing too, I stopped watching after one episode.