Sunday, September 07, 2008


as much as i love football, I see why women in relationships despise it. yesterday was the miami florida game, today miami jets followed by cleveland dallas... i watched college and wasn't up to football today. drew went to his neighbors and watched brett farve do his thing then he came back to his place to check on me. we were hanging out when he realized he left pookie outside. A WHOLE FOOTBALL GAME LATER, he calls to check up on me. how long was that? an hour after he left, i left for west palm. i was actually home before he realized I left!! what happened to getting pookie?!! whatever.

next point of annoyance.

it was ass crack of dawn when i was getting ready to go to work. fresh out the shower, clothes on, I'm bout to step out the door when my mother says, "don't forget to take out the trash"

record scratched

"do what??"

take out the trash.


"mom, i don't do trash. and what did u mean by, "don't forget" like its my job?? when have i EVER taken out the trash? i do dishes and laundry, no trash."

so who is supposed to do it?

"I don't know!! i don't do trash and plus i'm about to go to work!

Needless to say, I am not as rude/gangsta as my brother or sister and I ended up taking the trash; pissed off than and futhermucker! I am still fuming about that shit. My mom is and has been a bully and I don't like it. plus she is hypercritical which I know has led me to my carefree attitude about everything. no matter how hard you try, it doesn't matter so why bother? pearls for a birthday get critized. shoes for christmas are met with a grimace... ooooh! while the parents were in tally checking up on mini me's finances, my brother and I pulled a while u were out. we re-arranged, we cleaned, we de-cluttered, we made our house look the way it is supposed to look. that thing was looking so good and like a place you'd invited someone to, not the giant air conditioned storage unit it was looking like for the past couple of years. pops came in and was amazed! he was like, "oh wow! oh my gosh! is this our house? Damn, we should go away more often! you guys are amazing!!" what did mom do? she got upset that we moved a painting of hers to a better location. she actually raised hell about her raggedy ass picture my dad painted of her. (its not raggedy. its actually bomb. my daddy gets it from his daddy) the pics have been off the walls for the past three weeks since we got the walls painted. you could've put them up anyway u wanted. afterall, this is your house. when stan and I finally get tired of looking at boxes of pics and paintings and do something about it, u get into a screaming match about your picture. fcuk the fact that we polished all the Damn cherrywood pianos, armoires, leather furniture, cleaned the crystal and polished the dining table and chairs!! so pissed. still so pissed.

so that's why i haven't posted in a while. plus i am not liking my job and I am actually trying to leave by excess. pray that i can leave the torture of my job. you're not supposed to hate your profession.

8 returned the favor:

the joy said...

I so woulda walked out sans trash. Lol I don't do trash either. And don't you live somewhere ElSE? Lol. Woo woo on the job. That's the place you were at last year right? Hope it works out.

Rashan Jamal said...

Wow, I like football, but not enough to forget about a person. LOL That's crazy.

Take that trash out, yo!

Why do you hate your job now? Didn't you love it last year?

Rashan Jamal said...
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Desy said...

so it's the end of the road huh? that was a short teaching journey for

as for never pleasing the parental unit... she needs a happy pill.

or... move out if it gets to be too annoying...

hope things get better for you doll

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...


Chk out my new ppost on mrs obama
and u will see y

Jameil said...

GO GATORS!! It's so hard to live at home after you've been on your own!! esp. if one or more parent(s) isn't on board with the "i'm an adult, i just live here" program. and now you've done it twice. my condolences. you know he would've been PISSED if you forgot him for an hour (like you've done you selfish person you)! i hope you get some relief from these irritants soon.

Adei von K said...

joy- i just an't bring myself to disobey my parents. i'll just be pissed off and they know not to talk to me for a while cause they know they tried my life. i moved back home cause my roomie went back to school... in tally.
it is the same place i was last year, the place i got excessed to, not where i was actually hired.

rashan- yeah, he was trippin extra hard.
YOU take the trash out, yo! that is a boy job!!
i never liked my job per se, i adored MY kids but could care less about the other teachers, location, principal, etc.

desy- its not the end of the road, i'm just over this school and was over it when i was placed there last year! i do want to move. far,far away

torr- okay....?

jam- right? this moving thing has got to get more stable and preferably without parents!
you were with me when we "left" him... or was it "forgot" about him? or was it WAITING for him!?!?!? pick one

you're not supposed to make me laugh! i'm pissed here!!!

p_nami said...

WHAT?! You don't like teaching anymore?! What happened?