Sunday, August 31, 2008


random ass blog

can we talk about her children's names?? track, trig, bristol, willow, and piper?? is anyone going to talk about that?

how normal can someone from alaska be? i'm NOT saying there aren't normal people there but...

maybe I am.

i'm just thinking of the movie insomnia and how 6 months of light drove pacino crazy. granted, he wasn't from there. also, i know they pay people CRAZY money to work/live in alaska so it only makes me wonder

its been said that this is either the most brilliant political move ever or the opposite. i was hoping that mccain thought, women would be simple enough to jump on his bandwagon since hillary is out of the pic, yet see right thru is ploy and vote in droves for obama cause mccain tried their lives. *whew!* did you catch that? I think, he thinks women are stupid. but then again, he's a republican. those are the craftiest people on the face of the earth and i'm almost scared to see how this will unfold.

look up judges, chapter 4. barack will come with ten thousand and destroy an army. its in the Word!!

i have a headache. i drank a glass of cheap red wine and then i had a shot after my dad's party. ask me if i drank anything the whole of yesterday besides the aformentioned.

nope. head hurts.

so glad its a 3-day weekend. i think we should make it a federal law to have them every other week. 3 day weekends are the best thing since books

ummmm, i have pics to post but for some reason, my bro has my camera. its been a looooooooong weekend! i did get a chance to hang out with drew on friday and we went to this bomb restaurant in brickell (a district of miami), florida. its a japanese-pan latin restaurant with this craaazy ceviche sampler of lobster-mango, tuna and some herb, salmon-edemame, and yellowtail-avocado. awe.some.

okay. i need to lie down for a minute or two. my weekend isn't over and i want to go to hollywood. ttyl

2 returned the favor:

Southerner in Suomi said...

Ok, I neeeeed that restaurant in my life!!

p_nami said...

Can we talk about how her teenage daughter is pregnant, and though it has made the news, it doesn't seem to be THAT big a deal.

I've never seen insomnia...was it good?