Tuesday, April 08, 2008


the musical love of my fantasy life. i don't care or believe anything anyone has to say about him!! I LOVE YOU MICHAEL JOE JACKSON!!!, Be.n, Bloo.d on the Dancefloor, D.angerous/Special Editi.on (I have both),, Michael; Got to .Be There, HISt.ory: Past, Present, Future; Invincib.le, Music & M.e, Edition (both), Michael Ja.ckson Anthology; tapes, records, CDs, DVDs, mp3... whatever the next medium is, i'll be there!

Who gets Martin Scorcese to direct your MUSIC video??? MICHAEL JOE JACKSON!! (its not the extended version that's on DVDs)

I remember getting the 'Ba.d' record for Christmas and asking my mom why MJJ looked white. That was back in '88.

I remember standing in line and waiting to be one of the first to get Dan,gerous. I was in 3rd grade. I danced to 'Ja;m' at summer camp that year.

waiting in line with my dad for HIStory at Buy. I was going to 8th grade. I remember stalking MT,V for the video premiere of S.cream and trying to win the guitar he smashed.

Sophomore year in college, I hit up a friend of a friend to take me to the mall so I could get Invincibl.e the day it came out. There was no line :-(

Shout outs to The Smoking Section and the Aphillia.tes for this mixtape to add to my formerly complete MJJ collection!!! and I just copped that Outskirts: lost Ou.tkast Remixes!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!

P.S. peep that ring. that's the star i wanted!! ok, not as big...

7 returned the favor:

Victoria Page said...

I must have this!!! Please tell me "Can It Be I Stayed Away" is on this?!?!?!?

Adei von K said...

"did I leave your mind when i was gone?!"


I don't know yet, its taking FOREVER to dowload!!

Eb the Celeb said...

Girl why did I just watch the American Dream... the Jacksons this past Saturday... on VH1... and I have the damn thing on DVD... but I love love love the Jacksons too... cried when I was little when my tweddle deedle dee record broke... The "black" michael will always go down in history for being one of my all-time favorite artists!

GreatWhyte said...

My all time favorite: The Way You Make Me Feel. I sooooo wanted to be that girl he was chasing across those lit up squares. **sigh** Love. Him.

magnoliapeach said...

Never really had the Michael Jackson fetish, but if you like it I love it.

Jameil said...

breathe honey breathe!!

Jazzy said...

Girl...I was cleaning up just the other day and playing the Thriller album.

Why did I stop to do all the steps to Thriller???

I love old MJ...he died a long time ago though *sigh*