Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Busy yet bored Bee

*sigh* is this what my summer vacation is going to be like? boredom followed by busyness? Yesterday, I made a point to see 3 medical professionals before noon.

drove to the intercoastal for my dr. appt where I found out that my headaches and post nasal drip = sinusitis. Got a Z-Pak to clear up that bacterial infection, a sinu-rinse to wash out my cavity and some claritin D to keep everything else at bay.

Hopped over to the next medical building and made an appt with my gyn. Yeah, gotta make sure all my pipes are in working order. Will go into detail later.

Drove closer to home and stopped by my oral surgeons. I got 5 teeth extracted my senior year in highschool and one of the molars still hasn't erupted (2nd one behind the canine). Yeah, braces money is going to waste seeing how my teeth are shifting to fill the gap. I can either get an implant or get braces with a chain to pull that baby out. I'm going with the braces. My gap is coming back anyway.


So now about my female parts being in working order. Last sunday, I started bleeding for no reason. I won't say for no reason... 

Drew and I had to run to the shower cause, yeah...

it looked like that scene in Godfat.her where buddy wakes up to find his horse head in his bed. Okay, waaaaay less blood but still just as shocking and horrendous. Its not that time for me so I was extra bewlidered.

In addition to last Sunday, mom and I went out for lunch on Friday. we were talking about celebrities and movies (she's watched enter.tainment tonight for as long as I can remember. that's where I get my love of Y/BF and John from). She doesn't think Bra.ngelina are preg with twins, Jess's fiance' is black, yada yada yada... went on to talk about hip hop wives... somehow, we started talking about our family. My granduncle has 5 grands and one more on the way... I found out my 2nd cousin is pregnant with her 3rd and she's 33...

long story short, I made the mistake of saying,
"she already has two, why should she have another at 33?"

Mom gave me this incredulous look and said,
"ok Miss turning 26 this year! you're no spring chicken and you haven't started! its so easy to talk about someone else but what about you?"

*side eye*

"What about me? Can I be out of college for a year before I start the rest of my life? I'm enjoying where I am now! If I like being able to do whatever I want when I want to, why is that a big deal? Can I get married first?"

"Speaking of that, are you going to marry Andrew?"

"That's the game plan, we've actually talked about it and children thankyouverymuch miss know-it-all!"

"Well y'all need to hurry up. it took you this long to get together, I can only imagine how long everything else will take. sheeesh. there are more things to life than music and the Knicks"

I think to myself, "wow mom. I'm kinda mad you know me like that" but say out loud, 
"Don't worry mom, you'll be the first to know the next step. Drew just finished school and should be interning at The Hit Fact.ory Mia.mi and I'm finishing my 1st year teaching. Can you and dad chill for two seconds?"


Yeah, I'ma need her and her other half to chill out. Remember what happened at christmas? Pops said, "There should always be a baby in the family" and then the room got quiet. Not trying to be selfish, but fcuk that I AM! I am having a great time now. I have my own money and place, I can't imagine being dedicated to anyone besides myself right now! Kinders are so dependent and they are potty trained! *SMH* I can't do a child right now. I got business to take care of and just started taking care of myself!


just making sure my parts are in working order cause apparently, I have a deadline.

16 returned the favor:

Victoria Page said...

Even though I have a baby, I am gonna have to co-sign on the enjoying childless life. Children are a joy, but it will be the simple things like being able to take a nap when you get off work that you will miss, and yes, having your own money. 26 isn't old (If it is, then, I am old...and Miss Page doesn't get old) you have time....parents just love Grandbabies...

Jazzy said...

lmao @ your dad saying "there should always be a baby in the family" WOW!!! Sounds like something my mother would say.

I love kids...but I think part of the allure is that they aren't mine and I can give them back! lol

Take your time...get married...enjoy the marriage for a year or two (maybe more) and then think about kids. You work with them enough to know that you aren't ready yet.

PS: I am sooooooooo mad at you for The Godfather's visual!

Doc said...

That Godfather visual is quite graphic... but gets the point across. Anyway 3 doctor appointments in one day is too many people prodding you in one day...

Southerner in Suomi said...

Next time your dad says there should always be a baby in the fam, look at your mom and be like "you up for dropping one more load? He is."

Parents and all family always ready for you to add to the tree, but last time I checked, this is my uterus. I run this womb homie!! Back up.

La said...

Umm... could mom stop plotting on your uterus please? Thanks.

26 is so damn YOUNG!!!! If I have a kid by then it will probably be because I missed a pill, not because I was ready.

And if I can't remember to take a pill everyday that I've been taking for 10 years, is that really the kinda woman you want to be a parent just because "it's time"?

I think not.

GreatWhyte said...

Umm... about that Godfather scene... no ma'am.

Adei von K said...

VPage- that's EXACTLY what it is, they want grands!

ODiva- I love kids with all my heart too, just don't want one right now!
As for the Godfather, i was glad the sheets were black!

doc- just tryin to get y'all to see what I saw!
I figured get all the docs out the way during my spring break, you know?

VDizzle- LOLOL @ asking mom! that is funny! knowing my monkey ass mom, she'll say with the straight face, "oh you don't know? i have one more on the way"

La- LOL I love your rational!

X- was it too graphic or the fact that it happened?

cherry's kid said...

Wow...I'm 25 and I think no way in hell am I ready at 26 and that's only 8 months away for me!!!

Look, just let them know there's the freedom of choice now and you have decided to keep your uterus free of children at this time and when you are ready you will keep them fully abreast of the situation!!!

I wouldn't even know what to say to my mom but probably a strange look and change the subject fast...I avoid the topic at all costs!!! LOL @ that the type of woman...hahahahaha!!!!

Desy said...

ummmm- hasnt being a teacher ruined ur desire to have children yet?... cause i know providing therapy for bratty 3 yr olds has SOOO firmed up my birthcontrol regimen *still abstaining*

and that comment your dad made should be responded smoothly with a 'i thought that's what u were here for' *gettin down for cover*- cause u kno that would be met with a sound slap

the joy said...

Girl we physically small mouthed people and our teeth! I got 4 pulled cuz my mouth was too small.

I also feel you on the random bleeding... But mine was because *tmi* SOMEBODY's nails serated me... So yeah, crank those anti biotics in case the situation was the same.

the joy said...

Am I the only one wanting a baby @26? Bah. That's my goal, but the way its going it may be 28, since I may be wedding in 2 years.

Jameil said...

ok we don't need full gyno recaps on the blog!! thanks!!! yes, your summer will be full of boredom if you're like this after a few days! geez! get it together chica! you told me abt the convo w/GG but seeing it in print is even funnier! love it. you're cracking me up. kids ain't goin nowhere.

Rashan Jamal said...

I know you said you were gonna keep it real, but that Godfather joint... LOL

Go head and pop out a kid for your parents to spoil. LMAO @ the deadline.

p_nami said...

LOL. THAT gyn about blog honesty:) But glad you worked that out!

Go ahead and give the 'rents what they want;-)

GreatWhyte said...

umm... both (question mark?) And, no Joy, you're not. Yet again, we're **here**

magnoliapeach said...

I thought I commented earlier, but I guess I did it in my head.

Glad everything is checking out, but mad at you for that Godfather comment, good God that's nasty!! LOL

Why do parentals rush everything?! I would have replied back, I'm glad you feel that way because little Stashon or Stacie Jr. will be staying with you every weekend. Bet that would have changed the tone, lol.