Friday, April 18, 2008

don't start

so i didn't go to bed till midnight. if anyone knows ONE thing abt me, i am an old lady when it comes to bed. i have and will go to bed right after jeopardy (8pm). i am the consumate morning person and just can't do the night thing UNLESS i'm out of town or partying on purpose.

drew is a night owl. NIGHT.OWL. He and Ralph don't get excited till around 11pm and their nights start some 30 minutes after that. not me.

he came up last night. we watched de.xter, went out for sushi, did some things that only married people are supposed to do. and then we were just up. i was actually fading to black but drew's geeked ass was pestering me. "am I bothering you? am i bothering you? does it hurt when i poke you here? are you still ticklish here?". Last time he did that, I burst into every Christian song I knew. Starting with

Yes we know that God, will always provide, He said it in His word and God has never lied, so lift joyful hearts up to the skyyyyyyyyyyy, to the God that will always provide!

this time, i put him to work and we found some deals for my trip to tallahassee this weekend. oh i didn't tell y'all?

my BABY sis is going to college! she wants to be a FAMU cheerleader and tryouts are this weekend. seeing how my parents have done the college thing since 2000, i've been elected as Mini Me's guardian thru out her FAMU tenure, a responsibility i think i accept with pride and joy :-)

the point of this post is to tell you i'm leaving this morning. enterpr.ise doesn't open till 730am.

why am i up when i don't need to be? you know its always some mess.

today, i realized its spring.

there is this one bird that's been trying to holla at another bird since 545am.




I'm an early bird but not that damn early!!! I thought it was going to be for a couple of minutes.


633am, ole girl decided to respond.

who's heated? I AM!

I don't want this day to start like this.

and now my phone isn't turning on. great.

9 returned the favor:

Jazzy said...

I HATE to be tickled or to be bothered period when I'm trying to sleep...unless of course it's to " do things only married people are supposed to do" LOL! You crack me up with that statement.

Get a sling shot for those birds!

Congrats to the baby sis! Tell her to BE AGRESSIVE...B...E...AGRESSIVE!! lol

Hopefully you're day has improved by the time you read this!

Cluizel said...

LMAO at busting out Christian songs...

Yeah Mini Me!

The Second Sixty-Eight said...

Okay, you and them birds got me dying ova here!

And your very nice "do things only married people are supposed to do" comment.

GreatWhyte said...

Girrrrrl you were supposed to be singing the Christian songs BEFORE the married people activities, not AFTER!!!! **giggle**

Victoria Page said...

The birds chirping in the morning is a bit much for me too. It seems like in my neighborhood they are chirping when it is still dark out....

I too have an old lady bed time....8:30pm not a minute later....

Jameil said...

lol. you are too funny. i never hear birds anymore. ever since college when i'd be up at 3:30 and 4:30 am (from the night before) and i realized birds will chirp even then! i had to let them chicks stop bothering me. lmao @ diva w/slingshots.

cherry's kid said...

The birds definitely bother me but only when I'm drunk and asleep trying to sober uo...Mini You is trying out this, My Mini Me is a Cheerleader @ FAMU...her name is Lauren!!! I hope Mini You does well!!!!

Rashan Jamal said...

things only married people are supposed to do? you mean resent each other? oh, thats just the married people I know.

I'm like Drew, I'm a night owl too, except I would use that as my alone time. I used to wait for my girl to fall asleep then get up and do the internet/movie thing in peace.

Them birds dont stop around here, day or night. I've learned to tune them out.

the joy said...

Oh hell no. Meand drew would be cool. I missed jury duty the other day for not being able to get up. I don't do early morning unless I'm headed to sleep after going out. These days its not a bird waking me, its my brother singing danity kane in the shower.