Monday, March 10, 2008

Welcome back, Welcome back





Guess who got a bomb Mizani relaxer yesterday??


Guess who looked really, really, really, ridiculously good looking today?


Guess who's wondering what took so long???


Oh my gosh, this giant stress has been lifted off my shoulders. I thought I was about to have a deja vu experience with not getting my hair done when I want it but, the Good Lord prevailed and I am feeling GRRRRRREAT!!

So after church, I go to the only salon I know is open on Sunday: JCPenny's. I have no qualms with them; the last chick was good to my hair. Oh but wait, she's not there anymore and apparently, I was the only lick of color in there. Well besides Jo, the old Asian lady... and... I was the only person UNDER 40!!! So not getting my hair done here. I call Drew to gripe and he says, "Come down here. I'm sure Aventura's JCPenny will have someone."

If you don't remember last time I was at Aventura's salon, read the link. I didn't care though. I just wanted some professional grade chemicals on this "hopped on a British Airways 35 years ago" African grade hair.

I get there around 130. I call, I get an appt for 2pm. Drew drops me off and I wait. Tracy comes in with a head full of hair and tells me to take a seat. She asks, "So what's going on here?" and I tell her my story.

I cut my hair off last July for no reason. I last relaxed it in May 2007. I'm tenderheaded, I have a sensitive scalp, I have VERY coarse hair.

She said, "Your hair doesn't scare me. I got this"

Let me tell you how she literally DOVE into my hair and worked some magic.

I didn't even burn.

*cue angel choir singing Handel's 'Halleulah'*

She did slip some comments like, "You have enough hair in here for everybody" and "Am I going to have to charge you for TWO relaxers? I sure am mixing up two" and other things I've heard before... yada yada yada, your job is to check coats.

check 'em, bitch.

She lays it down. Conditions, wash rinse repeat. Sits me under the dryer and then trims like, 1/6 off an inch all around. Yeah, them ends were NICE!! Doo Gro is the shit. She flips the back and I have this bang and can I talk about how BLACK my hair is? OMG, its my fave part of my hair. I have like, 1. NOT 1B, not 2 but blue black 1 hair. LOVE IT!

Dreezy comes back and is like, "Whoa!! I like this! The afro was NOT you!" I'm all geeked and like, "how you gon tell me that NOW??" He gives me a hug and exclaims, "Wow, its like I have a new girlfriend!"

Scrrrrrr *record scratching*

Which one is prettier Andrew??

All with the sheepishness, he replies, "the new one has prettier hair?"

You're right! Good answer.

LMAO!!!!!! I was so messing with him!! He's so funny!

But yeah, I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE my hair!!!! I'm sooooooooooo glad it got done, the hair dresser was bomb and prompt and since I go to Hollywood every weekend, I might as well make Trace my hairdresser!!! SOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!

i don't look too excited do I? every other pic i took looked contrived. lolol

6 returned the favor:

Jazzy said...

LOL @ your not too excited look!

LOVE the hair!!!

La said...

it's so CUTE!!!!

Yeah I'm going to have to agree with Dreezy. I think this suits you better.

Cluizel said...

but err umm...I can't see all of the hair. lol

"your job is to check coats.

check 'em, bitch."

I love

the joy said...

I was hoping there was a picture, as much as you was tellin the looks cute, and kind of like my hair today, except yours is perm flat with body and mine is straightening comb with body. There's a difference, lol. And you're hair is hella black. Like an Asian.

Jameil said...

TOO adorable!

Adei von K said...

EVERYBODY- THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!! You know I to run it by y'all before I did it and i'm glad you approve!!