Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My Crush

now that the identity crisis is over, I can get back to posting at hand. I gotta make blog, nah mean??

A crush.


Who HAVEN'T I crushed on?

Nah, I'm not that chick who gets to liking everything that's the opposite sex; I have had my share of crushes...

there are the celebrity ones:
Andre Benjamin (bka Andre 3.000)
Mark Walh.berg
Su.gar Bear (cant get enough of that golden crisp. yes i liked a cartoon)
Ice C.ube
Ches.ter Cheetah (he's still so cool)
Ke.lis (what? i'm allowed a girlcrush!)
and I'm sure there are some athletes sprinkled up in there

and there are your grown men like:
a former Rx professor at HU
this man who used to sit behind me in church... with his family and
i'm sure there are some more teachers, guy teachers are HOT.

your run of the mill crushes
I had a crush on a DJ. Cause he was from TX and played chopped and screwed music and had a drawl that was different than Georgia boys'.
I have crushes on red-heads and dudes named Sean or Gabriel. I dated a guy (fave ex) FIRST cause his name was Andre'. Andre and Andrew are cool with me.

I have a thing for musicians; esp. pianists and drummers. not really singers though. They have big heads. Them and guitar players think the music world revolves around them. Oh yeah trumpet players too. You can always tell if a guy is one of the aforementioned.

I do like lefties more than righties.

I can talk about the guy I talked to for over a year cause i thought he was my crush... I was sitting with him at his frat plot one day when my actual crush passed by and all I could say was, "BITCHES".

I'm just going to talk abt my ultimate crush.

He has the philly beard going on, light brown eyes and light freckles on the bridge of his nose and forehead. He has a couple red hairs peeking out when he doesn't shave and he stands at 6'2 weighing 240 pounds. He plays piano, is left handed and his name is Andrew.

Who'd y'all think I was going to talk about???

8 returned the favor:

the joy said...

Ima need you not to have crushes on cartoon characters. I agree about Andre though.

Why when you said they have big heads I thought you meant literally, lol.

p_nami said...

Crushes. how sweet.

I'm sure you are and/or will be some school boys crush.

Eb the Celeb said...

Girl... that build is hot like fire... and the lefties... I too have a thing for the lefties... did you know that 50 Cent is a leftie... whew... anywho... how you gonna talk about crushes without blessing us with a blog crush... we all have them!...LOL!

GreatWhyte said...

So I'ma need a name on that ex pharmacy professor from Hampton. From what I hear, there could've only been one, but I swear I've forgotten his name.

Jameil said...

the crazy one. i just know that's who you were talking about lol. i'm w/joy. not the cartoon crushes!! looooove the name gabe. i liked my friend's bro. solely for his name. i have this thing for deep voices, too.

Adei von K said...

joy- i should've added that those were childhood crushes! I just saw a cheetos commercial and it jogged my memory!

doll- you know what? there are these 5th graders who stalk me... lol so cute!

eb- is it cause lefties think a bit differently? I think so!
as for blog crushes, I only read one guy and I don't have a crush on him (sorry rashan!)

x- you can't tell anyone! he was only there my freshman year and I'm not sure how long he was there before: glover.

jameil- ?
what are you talking about?
GABE is the finest name in the world! and Gabe is God's Messenger!

GreatWhyte said...

Yeah, that's him. Never met him, but his reputation preceded him.

Jameil said...

you know who i'm talking about. you've already talked abt your crush on him and his music.