Thursday, June 04, 2009

It's the Most...

wonderful tiiiiiiiime of the year!!!!

It is Thursday.  Yes, I have work in the morning but, guess what?


UGH, these last days of school worked my NERVE!!  and the amount of money spent!!!!  Well, I made sure not to spend too much; I bought some Dora popsicles (instead of publicks) so I blew a whole $4.25... them joints are BANGIN!!  Somethings I just can't buy store brand... like feminine products and salsa.

Any hoo, I thought about having a end of the year party but that costs money!!!  I just played it off as a pajama jam.  We relaxed in our jammies with popcorn and popsicles. HOLLA!!!

Summertime is here, Dei, what's on your agenda?  

Well... I plan on cleaning my classroom, going out to lunch with the K-Block (kindergarten team), and listening to MY CDs (not kidz bop or anything rated G) really loud for the first time in a long time!!!! and then

nothing.  I plan on doing nothing.  Office Space?  Meet Teacher Stace.

I'm lying.  

Thrusday afternoon, I get the hair done...

Friday, I meet with the principal who is TOOOOO geeked I volunteered to be the patrol sponsor, then I attend the faculty luncheon, 

Saturday, I'm going to a sorority brunch with guest speaker DONNA*BRAZILE (YES!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET HER!!!!!!! I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!)

Sunday, I hope I can make it to church

and the rest is in the air, just like I LOVE it.  Maybe I'll go to Hollywood, maybe I'll go to the beach, maybe I'll watch movies, maybe do an SVU marathon...


2 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

that open sked seems so fun at first... until reality sets in. i'm SO bored w/summer.

Adei von K said...

exactly. where is summer camp for grown-ups??