Wednesday, May 27, 2009


school is over in EXACTLY one week.

that's 5 school days.

I can't believe it.

As of now, I'm not sad yet.  Watch out for a mopey Monday post about my babies going on to 1st grade.

Awwwww!  That's what I do!!  I send children on to 1st grade!!!  Hopefully, I've done my job and they flourish the rest of their academic careers!!!

I know my students love coming to school!  Parents tell me they have to beg their children to stay home AFTER BEING DISCHARGED FROM THE HOSPITAL!!! True story, my little Dani woke up from emergency surgery and asked, "Can I go to school now?"  AWWWWWWWW!! MELTED MY HEART!!!!

But yeah, this year, so different from last year.  the children came in lower (see: not as bright) and as usual, I was worried I wouldn't be able to handle it.  Maaaaaaan, I'm sending this class on better than the last!  I worked harder this year, had a bit more swag with mine, and I have writers!! I think that is my biggest accomplishment this year... serious writers.

Anyhoo, as you may or may not have heard via tweeter, I have the best kindergarten class at school.  I can't wait for next school year :-)

2 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

awwww!! i'm so happy for you, stace! that's great!!

the joy said...

yaay!!! please dont make me move to fla in a few yrs so you can teach my kids...