Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Is It Friday Yet?

I think it's cause we last got paid on Spring Break Friday...

this has been the looooooooooongest two week span in my LIFE!! I've been trying so hard not to touch my savings account; especially since I haven't done anything with my tax return...

I moved $150.00 into my checking but I have a $100 check coming out soon. and then spent $50 at the hairdresser a week after spending $53.00 at the hair dresser, TWO weeks after spending $100+ at the hairdresser...

See what I'm talking about??? To be spending so much money on my hair, that thing should be FIRE!

no, FI-YAH!

or like my sis would say, "FIE"

Do I have to go back to not even having a figure in my bank account!??! I want to be in the 4-figure range!! in my checking account!! all the time!!

Come on, Friday!! get here!

Okay, let's talk money.

- I need a roth IRA yesterday

- I need to increase my 403(b) contribution

- I need to figure out how grad school is going to be paid for

- I really should consolidate my online savings accounts.... them bitches started off with the gangsta 4.5% and have dropped down to 1.something% but are still bragging about having the highest percentage. Maaaaaaan, I'll sooner put it in a CD.

I need, I need, I need my money right!

1 returned the favor:

DaniColoredGlasses said...

The thing that I love and appreciate is that you blog about the one thing that I stress about the most and can't bring myself to get into...$$$

Your want of 4 figures in the checking account at all times is EXACTLY what I yearn for, but can't seem to get to...more often than not its a 2 figure presence in the account (sigh)