Monday, April 06, 2009

I need a break

I should've taken a break from my break. Can we talk about tired!? that's what I am! I literally did a tour of florida. Well, minus the west coast but honestly, not really the biggest fan of west-side "beaches". When you live on the east coast, why would you drive to swim in gulf water? No thanks, I like my ocean to be Atlantic sized.

So, I left here for the 'ville and hung out with Jam Rock. We ate WELL and made cool things for our siblings. We were supposed to go to Tally but Kitty got back to me too late and Jam already re-arranged her week. I got there a day later than planned, handed in my app and hung around longer than planned. I wanted to be back in SoFla by Thursday so I can defrost for a day before heading further south. Yeah no. I left Saturday, stopped by the crib for a change of clothes and kept it moving to Hollywood. We had fantabulous sushi and I crashed. Being on the road for 6+ hours will do that. At least I didn't get lost this time.

Sunday, 8am service that was much longer than planned cause of the Passion reading. Yeah, I don't really like yelling, "Crucify him!" cause that's not what I would've said if I was around back then, you know?

Got my church in, picked up my pictures and some dental floss cause my teeth/gums have been hurting. Have you ever flossed with braces? Do you know how time consuming that is?! OMG, I spent half car ride to Big Pine Key flossing my teeth!? They did feel much better though :-)

So if you tweet, you'd know I was at a reggae fest yesterday. It was so cool! Lots of hippies of course but they are a loving, peaceful people. I saw old men with sun bleached blond hair down their back vibing. Chicks with tiny locs and Loving Day babies all over. So cool! In my haste to get further south, I didn't pack a bathing suit. Oh well, I got in to my knees then splashed water all over myself and let it sun dry. I don't think I got the tan black I was yearning for... I think its so cool when you can tell someone had a serious vacation by their tans. A couple of my kids came back ruddy faced and bronze. So cute!

I decided I was going to be "mean teacher" while Drew and I were coming back to Hollywood. The kids didn't even let me be her, they were so good! I even gave them a star *tear*. 10 stars and they get a themed party. If the prin gives them a compliment, that's 3 stars. AP, 2. An adult, 1. Or, if everyone stays on green all day. Yeah, my class was so focused today, I was impressed and gave them a star myself!

So excited this is a 4-day work week! Thinking about doing Maundy Thursday vigil and I'm def doing Good Friday's Stations of the Cross even though it usually makes me cry... Holy Saturday and EASTER SUNDAY!! YAAAAY!

Wait. I don't have a dress.

T o be continued...

7 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

can't wait to see your dress!! traveling vacays are exhausting!!! yay for good kids! how many stars do they have so far?

DaniColoredGlasses said...

I think 'I need a break' is the mantra for this week. Everyone that I've spoken to is tired to the nth degree. Yay about the little people, maybe that's a sign that they had rested vacations...have they shared what they did?

I've taken off work from Maudy Thursday on...partly to get my 'Holy Week' on and partly to get some I was going back and forth abt the service until informed me that I was reading a lesson....**Face**

Just remember that's the foot washing service...last yr I forgot to lotion...yr before my toes were so bad I couldn't even put my foot in Winnie's presence. I don't think he cares either way. "God Bless you...dutty foot"

I'm so glad you got out and had a fulfilling break it helps to put things in perspective and I'm definitely praying abt your grad app. it's time for a change.

Rashan Jamal said...

That does sound like a lot. Glad you have a short week.

Adei von K said...

Jam- I can't wait to see my dress either! it might be a vintage express dress (see: something from my closet that hasn't been worn in years) or maybe I'll luck up on something this weekend...
the students left for break with 9 stars but I told them we're starting over!! LOL

Dani- most of them went to the beach and couple went to their daddy's house. yeah.
Ok. I forgot about the feet thing. I will not be there. I can't do feet. Mine b/c I'm ridiculously ticklish and will kick someone, others cause they are other people's feet. don't you love how moms volunteer you for things?? Dutty Foot!! LOL

Rashan- yeah, you know dealing with Jam, even for a little time, is a lot!!

the joy said...

ive heard of the passions and the stations of the cross but ive never seen one. i thought it was only a catholic thing. my mom is tryin to make me an easter church-goer. i was gonna not go just so i wouldnt be talked about.

Southerner in Suomi said...

I have flossed with braces. Sucks majorly.

This was a good exhaustion. Sounds like you had a ball!!

Jameil said...

are you done? you are so wack for your response to rah. putting you on ebay for 87 cents right... NOW.