Friday, March 27, 2009

Yes, FB!

So normally, FB makes me feel like an unaccomplished slacker who is not living the life her personality was made for. Between engagements, weddings, baby showers, and just plain living in a real city with your college classmates a stone's throw away... I've come to "hate" FB BUT, derive some sadistic pleasure from being in the know no matter how much it hurts my pride.

Earlier this week, a girl I went to highschool with had a status that basically told everyone she's pregnant. Something like, "this baby is already wearing me out!" Naturally, my jaw drops. Then I text DaniQ. She got married a year ago and got engaged at her boyfriends pick day or whatever it is when newly graduated medical doctors pick the school of residency they want. Engagement at your doctor-BFs pick day? An awesome cultural conglomerate wedding of irish and hindu mix? Now a baby???


I tell myself not to compare cause I am right where I am supposed to be, even if I don't know it right now.

But daggumit! Can I get at least one fab thing in my 20s?!? Life in a big city? Living the nomadic party life? A ring on my finger? Buying my 1st house? A credit score without a negative sign?! Sheesh!

*Rant over. Back to original post at hand*

I went to aforementioned chick's page and read a wall post by another HS classmate of mine.

"You're pregnant?! How can you be pregnant? I've known you since we were 10! I suppose congrats are in order but you just made me feel old and unaccomplished. CONGRATS ANYWAY!!"


1. She's a Cancer and can "get away" with the compliments that follow condemnation

2. She said out loud what most of us are thinking. LOL

I love Liz.

2 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

dead @ liz!! thanks liz! way to be there!! hahahahaha. what we're ALL thinking. constantly. how the heck do you have a kid and we were just passing notebooks back and forth for the entire 8th and 9th grades??

magnoliapeach said...

This statement speaks to my life right now:
"not living the life her personality was made for"
