Thursday, March 26, 2009


Look at my most recent posts... how bi-polar am I??


So, my dad was watching t.v. as I limped across the t.v. room to the couch. For whatever reason, my hip was paining me and it hurt to put weight on it. Pops noticed and told me to stand up in front of him. He turned off the t.v. and told me about myself.

"You are 26 years old and your hips hurt. You don't do anything for that to be happening; you have no kids and your job isn't strenuous. You are unhealthy. You live an unhealthy lifestyle that consists of work and home. The most you do is sit in front of the computer and type for hours. When was the last time you even went for a walk?

I really wanted to say, "I checked the mail today" but my better judgement got the best of me

There are two dogs that you can walk right now but you can't cause your hips hurt. Or you have a headache. If continue at this rate of eating mcdonald's every other day and not exercising, you will run into problems before you are 30. You think you're so small and cute now, this is your metabolism from highschool. What are you doing to maintain it? Join a gym. Pick up your tennis racket. Do something with your life."

*hurt face*

Damn, Daddy.

Did he really have to say, "Do something with your life"?

*serious pout with the lip poked out*

The teacher I did my internship with went from a 22 to a 18 in 4 weeks and she's getting smaller by the week. How? Boot Camp. $50 for 8 weeks? Tuesday and Thursday? I can do that.

*pronounced blink*

At least its an excuse to get some work-out clothes. Kitty and I did it big when we were in our yoga phase for all of a week. I can use some gear to match the gray sneakers I own...

SEE!?!? I'm alrady thinking about the wrong thing!! I need to be thinking about my health!! Its going down the toilet and all I can think about is finding some yellow clothes cause I like the way yellow and gray go... FOCUS!!

I actually can't wait. I remember doing tennis at FAM and I was so healthy it was disgusting. All I drank was water and ate well. Having a coach and nutritionist makes a difference... The conditioning before tennis practice alone made my life better. Everything was better. Skin, hair, nails, grades, social life, EVERYTHING! Okay, we're going to get back into the fit and fab life! Go Me!

4 returned the favor:

DaniColoredGlasses said...

Oooo that message was for me....Daannng don't you hate when parents are so 'on point' that they end up putting everyone on blast, inadvertently.

I need info about that boot camp. Also, where did you do yoga (for the half a second?) I have the flexibility of concrete right now and need work immediately.

Desy said...

I feel even worse about my work out regimen because I have a gym in my apartment complex with a racquet ball and volleyball court. Oh yes... My complex offers all the necessities required for a healthy figure. Instead I use the club setting to sweat out my week of stress and tally it as a workout lol.... Maybe we can motivate each other... Salsa classes anyone?

Jameil said...

i'm just as bipolar. most of us are. i'm glad my father isn't around anymore to tell me how much i don't work out!

Cluizel said...

Damn...your Daddy would have made me cry. lol.