Monday, October 13, 2008

hormones are a b!tc#

OMG, *eye roll* what was that about?

i'm still in the same situation I was in over the weekend but now I don't feel as hopeless or devastated. I just KNEW my world was ending this past weekend but mother nature showed up and for some weird reason, everything after that made sense.

there has got to be some kind of medicine to alleviate that mess, I can't be diving into mariana trenches of depression every month like that. cutting off all communication and what not, scaring people, damn near going crazy over something i can't really do anything about.

i love you guys. thank you so much for your words and calls of encouragement. i promise you, the minute i posted, I felt (a tiny bit) better. sometimes, all people need is an ear and I have at least 10.

but, i still can't wait to be out of here. when will this crisis be over? this very valid quarter life crisis where you are most likely, not where you'd like to be, despite the fact, its where you are "supposed" to be? compounded with the fact you don't even know where you want to be or how to get there from where you are. then again, i'm not ready for "the next step" (whatever it is) either. *eye roll* i guess we (royal) will just wallow around in here till May 2009; the last installment of the 'mid twenties' or is that the 1st of the 'late twenties'?

i'll go with the former.


can i tell you how she had a cleaning lady after mini me was gone and before i moved back in?

so... no need for the hired help since the daughter is coming back or what? yeah, no. gon' head and holla back at her.

5 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

that made my head hurt. but i'm glad you're feeling better.

GreatWhyte said...

Sarafem. I hear it's very effective. But I am very glad you're feeling even a tiny bit better :)

Rashan Jamal said...

I think the medicine is called weed.. LOL

Glad you are feeling better or dealing better which ever.

For the record.. I never said your crisis wasn't valid. If that pointed use of the word was directed towards me. I only said, that its the first of many.

the joy said...

i'll be there for yooooooo, when the rain starts to falllll, i'll be there for yooooo....

anyways, i tagged you.

Adei von K said...

Jam- thanks babe :-)

X- I will check that out. I asked my pops abt it and he had no idea what it was. Too much time with vanco, tpns, and apap make u a dull pharmacist daddy!

Rashan- u need to STOP! Lolol I don't partake in illegal activities!

And how can I say this nicely...

WEREN'T NOBODY THINKING BOUT YOU! I didn't post this in ref to you homie! This is, "Just Me" not "Just Me with Rashan in mind"! Lololol

Joy- whatchu tagged me for *squinting suspiciously*