Saturday, September 27, 2008


So as you may or may not know, I will be attending 4 weddings these next four months. The one in october is this couple I wrote about so long ago.


But can I tell you when the wedding is??

a tuesday evening.

in jacksonville.

so... even if i leave work an hour early (2pm), I will get there JUST IN TIME (6pm)?!?! Does that mean I have to wear my clothes to work cause I sooooooooo won't have enough time to change!?!? Boy, Kitty and I cussed that boy OWT!!! "WTF is that about?!? who gets married on a Tuesday evening?!!? Naw I ain't coming to that ish!"

But its Mike so we have to go. We love him dearly. Plus, its a post bacc reunion of some sort and is he the first friend of mine to get married?? No, an ex of mine got married like, 4 years ago (sheesh!) Kitty will be missing a once a week lecture and I will miss 1 AND A HALF days of work!!! I'm leaving at noon on Tuesday and taking Wednesday off cause there is no way in hell i'm going to the wedding and reception and driving home only to get to West Palm no earlier than 4am...! we are going to be talking ish the whole time...

2nd wedding is in November. It's actually to a middle/high/college classmate of my bro that i know as well. Very nice fellow, his pops is a doctor friend of my dad, yada yada yada. this one should be cute! its down here in south florida and I think it's going to be outside but NOT at the beach.

3rd wedding is in december.

fave ex's.

*inhale deeply*

am I a starter wife or something!?

naw, it's all good. I am truly happy for him and this is the wedding i'm most excited about!! Fave X is one of my favorite people and he helped me a lot when i transferred to FAM. This one is on the beach in Daytona. on his birthday *eye roll* such a typical move for him. I am mad that that day has been taken though. I was going to use it as mine cause it's the inverse date of loving day. 6/12---> 12/6. oh well, we'll see when that time comes.

4th wedding is in January. and its a girl!!! FINALLY!! she's actually a friend of several friends I have and we got cool. on top of that, we were 'talking' to frat brothers and would see eachother at events. not trying to be mean, but her wedding website is a mess. Full of speech and syntax errors. It's like it was a 'stream of consciousness post'; justa typing what came to mind!

now that the weddings have been outlined, let me address the title of this post.

You can tell a lot about a person by their registry, don't you think? registry is at JCPenny's as opposed to bloomingdales or even macy's? k-mart or crate and barrel? sears or williams sonoma?

i feel like that's 220 thread count vs. 800. I'm not being a snob or elitist or anything, I just want your honest opinion.

3 returned the favor:

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

im a 500 egyptian cotton man my self - dont want too soft

and how can i get in on making some of that wedding loot

the joy said...

I think I'd be registered at target for the appliances and stuff, and like, macy's for fancy things. Honestly, I just want monetary gifts. Always have. I'll find my own deals on that kinda stuff.

Adei von K said...

torr- anything over 400 is good for me!

joy- i can so do macy's (the cellar) for pots, pans, mixers, linens and whatnot.. there is nothing at kmart for me. i actually want people to buy gifts cause who knows where the money will go??