Sunday, June 08, 2008

My hair is better than yours

Yeah, its that time. I got a relaxer yesterday so you know the ego has landed. I was at the hair dresser looking around and thinking,

"awww, your hair is longer but mine looks better."


"awww, you have to dye your hair to get it my color"


"naw boo, its too late to request flips cause you saw me getting some"

but. before my conceitedness grew to levels unseen, it was turmoil.

I had long micros. Granted most of it was a sew in, but the top fourth of my head had actual braids that were a bitch to take out. I had Drew cut the string and take the tracks out and then take the cornrows out. He was able to do all that before I was done with my million braids. Can we talk about ego? His grew with every track he removed. His homie Ralph called and he answered, "Dreezy's House of Beauty" and was having full out convo about how he can make Ralph look like Rick Fox WHILE doing my hair!!! Phone was all perched in between his shoulder and ear... show-off. he said, "ooops." and I jumped. Turns out the call dropped. I'm trying to grow my hair out and the last thing I want to hear is "ooops" while you have scissors in your hands.

Yo, I got my last relaxer 3/22/08. 11 weeks. I love this new method. I usually have to relax every 5 weeks, but if I throw some braids in it, I'm good for double that time. Next time, i won't get the micro/sew-in. It took 4 hours to take out. And that's with two people working.

March 2008

June 2008

Okay, I'm going to the beach! And you know NOT to get in the water!

8 returned the favor:

Still Patrice said...

It's growing out fast and I like the flips :)

p_nami said...

This was too funny! I can see him with the phone and no hands workin it like some professional on Split Ends! LOL

the joy said...

Your hair grows so fast and for that I am seething with jealousy. Also, 5 weeks on some micros? Maam. I need 2 months just to get my money's worth.

Southerner in Suomi said...

You two are hilarious with all the silly episodes.

Jameil said...

LMAO @ "Dreezy's House of Beauty"! Getcha blue-black on, girl with that purty hair!! hey, will lay lay start my locks for me?

Adei von K said...

paj- thanks homie!!

doll- YES!! he looked like a professional hair dresser! all snipping, and un-braiding, and gossiping at the same time!! LOL

joy- it does grow fast. i feed it at least once a week with some hair grease.

Man, those weren't real micros that need to stay in for a whole summer! If i spent REAL money on those (see: more than $50), it was going to be in for more than 5 weeks!!

vdizz- HE is a character. a big one.

jam- you know drew would want to start them for you. he's been doing hair for YEARS!! lol

I'm sure lay-lay would LOVE to start your locs!!! YAY!!!

Cluizel said...

But your hair has always grown too damn fast! (yes I am a hater!!!) You can shave your head 3 times and grow it out as long as mine is and my hair will still be chillin in the same damn spot. :-)

Drew is funny. get it!

Jazzy said...

lmao @ you going to the beach, but not getting your hair wet. Too funny!

I am cracking up at the image of him taking out your braids and your tracks! LOL

Luv the hair!