Monday, June 02, 2008

the beach party

my roomie had her 26th b-day party at the beach and it was a beautiful day! but let me outline the weekend.

friday- work as usual, then we went out to eat and saw SATC. LOVED IT!! Cried and laughed so hard i cried! just didn't like j-huds wack-ass role. her agent is gangsta.

aferwards, we came back here and hung out.

saturday- we woke up somewhat early for people who don't have to go to work (8am). hit up the dollar store, green markets, supermarkets, the mall, etc for everything we needed. plates, chicken, black swimsuit and see thru tunic for me, white sandals and shorts for kitty, liq, soda, etc. came home and took a nap. woke up to get what we could find or didn't want to wait in line for. then it was time to prep the food. homies stopped by to play cards, drink, and watch the wack fight (kim slice). that was a travesty to MMA. kim is a street brawler and that's it. no technique, just brute strength. my bro and i used to watch ult fighting back in the day so i know a little something something and i was disappointed with eveything except the chick fight. those were the real fighters!!

Drew came by cause he brought speakers and an amp for the party!! YAY! on a less enthused note, y'all know that boy is a night owl. i got not a lick of sleep. he was hot, he was thirsty, he was itchy, he was petulant. can i tell you that he threw an actual hissy fit? kicked his overgrown 2 y.o. foot out and all. two.years.old. i tried to rub his back to go to sleep and when i stopped cause i was fading to black, he whined! i actually asked, "do you want to go for a car ride?" as if i had a car seat to put his ass in... i just know car rides put babies to sleep so that's what came to mind!! oh my goodness!! i was so glad it was saturday and i had no-where serious to be the next day.

sunday- people are all over the place, i go to publix for some groceries. bring it back and cook veggie sausage, scrambled eggs, hash browns, and whole wheat toast. yum-o! by the time that was done, this week with g. steph was on and then it was time to go. nair-ed the appropriate places, showered and was out!

on my way to kitty's shindig

me and D

me and Toys

got my hands on a REAL camera!

lots of food, friends, and fun! got in the water for a halfie and then it was time to be out. pack up, head back to the crib and that's where the afterparty was! cards, drinks, hella leftovers, stayed up till 130am as if i didn't have to go to work this morn...

so glad my intern teacher called me this morning. it was 710am. i usually wake up at 635.

but. it was worth it!

13 returned the favor:

Rashan Jamal said...

I'm beginning to think you like to take pictures even more than I do. LOL

Not the car ride... And the hissy fit? LMAO!

La said...

LMFAO @ Drew and his hissy fit. Not a car ride. LMFAO!!!!

GreatWhyte said...

Nair works for you? I'm hating.

Jameil said...

yay for fun!! GIMME SOME!!! you look fab in white!! lmao @ car ride!! him and his hissy fits!! like a child!! you should absolutely put him in the car next time. but you're not allowed to drive.

magnoliapeach said...

LMAO @ Drew!!!

the joy said...

First of all, drew lives in Miami! He's hot? Lol.

Stace got a booty! Lol.
I always thought you had a real camera. You've been taking all these pics with your phone? Good job!

Adei von K said...

rashan- oh, that's a given! i take pictures for FUN!

la- well the back rub didn't work!

x- yeah, after 10-12 minutes. i think that 3 min claim is for the fairest of them all.

jam- that white is another one of my shirts from be/be! i LOVE it!
why can't I drive?

mpeach- = drew

joy- EXACTLY! and his air doesn't work half the time so I KNOW he's not hot at my place!!
I was part of the junkyard gang back at HU! Big booty hoes, hump wit it! LMAO!

I have a digital camera, but not one of those big black ones where you focus by twisting the big ole lens. The papparazzi be using!!

Eb the Celeb said...

NIce pics... your cover up is super cute!

Dopelikelouboutins said...

Lol @ taking grown men on a car ride cause of a hissy fit - pure hilarity

Luv the pics looks like you had a great time :-)

Jameil said...

b/c i've been in the car w/you while sleepy fearing for our lives. no. i don't like dead friends. it's never hot.

p_nami said...

What in the hell is veggie sausage?! You people are taking it too far! LOL

But really...what does it taste like...what does it LOOK like?

Jazzy said...

Luv the pics of you and the girls...all of you have FLAWLESS skin!

Jhud...definitely wack role.

LMAO @ Drew...funny funny funny!

Sounds like a good time was had by all.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

u balling sister
great legs