Monday, March 17, 2008

The Weekend (+ 1) in Photos

She turned 99 years old on Palm Sunday.

I'm so glad I'm black cause you can't sit here and tell me she looks just about a century old

Her big card (among the over 100 hundred she got, each with AT LEAST $1 in it)

Today at school...



If that was not the most annoying arts and crafts project to make... ugh!

But they did it :-) and had so much fun with it. Learning vocab (shamrock, clover, leprechaun), geography (Ireland, Chicago [we looked at the river online]) and history (St. Pat, religion)!!! YAY!

2 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

awww. that's cute.

the joy said...

99?! Wow. You better do it sister!

I'm glad you were able to give the kids some history, so they don't think we're celebrating little Irish men, lol. And on Friday, throw in a lil Jesus with your bunnies.