Tuesday, November 06, 2007

what is rain? 6/30

in science, we're learning about the Earth and its processes. yesterday, i asked, "how does rain come from the sky and into our lakes, rivers, and oceans?" thinking they'd look at the picture of the big book and say, "run-off from mountains Ms. Kutieboots" (or something along that line... i don't think they know what "run-off" is), most of them said:

"rain is when someone does something bad and God cries"


"God is watering his garden"


How precious

8 returned the favor:

Toni "Turtle Dove" Phoenix said...

That is SO cute.

Cluizel said...


Jameil said...

children are so bedorable sometimes. whenever i get all tender, i then think of that day they were all running around hollering. then i step back and say yeah... still not yet!! lol.

T-Mc said...

What grade do you teach?

La said...

that is pretty cute. but is it wrong that I generally dislike when parents do this? as though a child making a fuss to not go to bed at their designated bedtime is gonna cause God to cry for days at a time? I dunno. I understand the point. but I dunno if I completely agree.

the joy said...

Aw! I want to hug them! I would have been like, "correct!" just cuz it was a cute answer. That's why I'm not a teacher.
I used to say God was splashing in the bath.

Adei von K said... they are sooo cute

Clu- that's exactly what I said! then i had to get back to the lesson

1922- lol, one day right? they have cute moments but you just have to remember the other 23 hours and 56 minutes in the day!!!

T- i teach the babies of public school: kindergarten

La- i feel you on that too. what i actually thought was cute was that their parents tell them and they (kids) believe it. the naivete and blind faith is cute.

Joy- now you know i cant go that at a public school!! i don't have to tell them "stop talking about God!" but i can't expound on anything when they say 'God'

Leela said...

as a kid I had a ton of hair that would get really tangled and i hated to have it combed out. so i always though that it rained when the mama cloud was combing the baby cloud's hair and she was crying.