Friday, November 02, 2007

blog every day?

I can try.

jameil asked, "Is it me or does everyone think about posts to write in everyday life?"
or something along that line.

*raising my hand like an eager k-2 student who THINKS they know the answer*

YES!! All through the day, I'm like, "oooh! i have to post that!" something a kindergarteners says that i find so cute or powerful... they are so smart and its adorable how innocent they are.

I was listening to Mis-ed of la hill, who by the way is preg with her FIFTH child from that Marley boy who's name I like (rohan) and I wanted a forum about love in my class. So I asked, "What is love? There are no wrong answers, i just want to hear what you think"

- My mommy and daddy
- when you kiss someone a lot
- when my mom reads to me a night
- when you like someone a lot and bring them chocolate
- when you're always nice to someone so you marry them

so presh. just like the e-mail that went around a couple of years ago :-)

another thing one of my kinders said that I found tooooooo cute! J is my smart one. he knows all his letters and sounds, numbers, colors, days of the week. during social studies when we were studying needs and wants, he said "we need tvs! ms. kutieboots!! how are you going to watch the news if you dont' have a tv?!?! you don't watch the news?!!?"

i lied and told him I do. i couldn't have this kindergartener showing me up!!! anyway, when making letters with play-doh, he made a giant J and used his thumb to "measure" it. it was "37 engines long!!!" not inches, but engines :-) he's so cute! OMG, on hat day, he wore a fitted. but you know that fitteds (if you're from NY or Jerz) are the OPPOSITE of fitted. he's a lil cutie from NY whose yankee's hat was waaaaaaaaaaay to big; just like they like it :-)

okay, i gots to go to work now :-)

1 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

awwww. the boogers. FIFTH child?!?! no ma'am. that's why she's been so absent. she's popping out babies.