Saturday, August 25, 2012

Lovin' It

There is seriously a mindset change that happens when you turn 30.  I've been of age for going on 4 months now and they have been a BLAST!! Granted, I turn 30 a month before school ends (lol) but for really real, I am sooooo happy to be happy with life!

So school has started. As you may or may not know from my FB post on Wednesday, it was the best first day of school I've had. YES!! I normally HATE the first day of school in Kindergarten!!  On top of that, we had faculty from the other Brooklyn schools come by to watch and observe so not only was I managing 27 kinders, I was modeling for adults.  There were at least 8 in my room at any given time, INCLUDING my principal and APs.  Talk about nerves.  But me and my assistant teacher (AT) handled it effortlessly.  We did such an awesome job that EVERYONE started coming into our class to see how management is fun but tight.

Word on the street is that I am in my element.  It feels so good to know who you are and where you belong.  I am ROCKING the isht out of my classroom and I can't wait to see how this school year unfolds.  I know I have people rooting for me and looking for great things so it's up to me to fill those great expectations :-)

1 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

Yesssss!!! Go Stace, GO!!!