Thursday, December 22, 2011

Smoove Operator

Went to watch the Knicks game with Officer Anderson Cooper, right? Starts raining, he goes to get his car then comes and scoops me (I might've made a big deal about my hair getting wet). Pulling up to my house, he says, "You may have to run so your hair doesn't get wet and I agree. I make a mad dash for the apt building; running up the stairs and I trip.

I trip UP the damn stairs. I tripped so loud that my cousin who was INSIDE the apartment, opened the door and asked, "damn, did you just fall? Are you okay? It sounded bad."

Cool points fell like a slinky down the staircase.

And that was how my date ended.

3 returned the favor:

Naima said...

Damn homie. May I suggest a purse-sized umbrella? Don't leave home without it!

Jameil said...

And the soundtrack was a sad trombone. LOLOLOL!! Ditto Nima. How you gon be sensitive abt your hair but also unprepared???

Adei von K said...

Guess who has a purse sized umbrella but... doesn't keep it... in her... purse... *hangs head*

Jameil- I heard the sad tuba + trombone slide from Price is Right LOLOLOL!

Yeah, I used my precious pashmina to protect my hair, :-(