Friday, December 30, 2011

NY in NY

Trying to decide if I want to go to Times Square... I know it will be utterly bananas down there; ish, the subways were crazy for the Rock tree lighting!! Officer Anderson was telling me i'd have to get there around 6pm and basically stay in one spot till the ball drops. He was also saying when the time comes, he can get me close but let's review: You want me to willingly be exposed to the elements for hours on end? I dunno about that. Plus, allllll those people might get on my nerves. I'm not one to shy away from crowds, I love being where the party's at but... I'm feeling some kinda way abt Times Square. I would rather be in a club or bar and watch from the TV, like what I did in ATL, DEN, and MIA in the past. Good times, good friends, good drinks, WARM!

I'm sure anywhere I go will be fun. I just want to wear sequins and have a drink in my hand, is that too much to ask?? Not in NY! So far I'm debating on a see-thru shirt with gold sequined shoulders or a silver sequined beret... decisions decisions! LOL

3 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

Who knows where Anderson will be in a year. This might be your only chance to experience NYE in arguably the biggest NYE celebration, certainly one of the most famous! GO!!! Take somebody with you! You know I'd go if I could! Also no sequined beret.

Adei von K said...

Ah Jameil, my voice of reason! I should go! Why not?! I'm HERE!

LOL at the sequined beret... LMAO! I'm going to defend it and say, remember how we rode on Kitty for her outfit to the W my birthday weekend? But it actually looked awesome there and in pictures? What if my sequined beret is everything NYE dreams are made of?? LOLOLOL ima put it in my purse :-)

Jameil said...

Mm. I didn't see any pics of this allegedly spectacular beret...