Friday, October 28, 2011

Wait, wha?

A lot of these questions/statements may be old news but they were never answered for me.

1. what the hell did Corn.el West (and his new BFF, Rah.eem deVaughn) do to get arrested at the MLK Dedication? and why did they do it? I was appalled and didn't want to know but now I do.

2. tooray (or someone like him) said, "OWS is not a struggle. When you complain about not having wifi at your "struggle", when you have prepared organic food at your "struggle", when you take pics/videos with your iFone, you're not "struggling."

Now where I can kinda see where he's coming from, I want to know what his definition of a "struggle" in 2011 looks like. Are people not supposed to have phones? Does the "struggle" have to deny whatever food sympathizers are feeding them? I'm sorry, was it a hunger strike as well? And I want to know what "struggle" he has been in that he is now the judge on what is and what isn't a struggle. If people are unhappy, let them sit outside and "struggle" the best way they know how: with iFones and starbux in hand.

3. I find it hard to believe ruth made-off had no idea about her husbands doing. I know it's bad but I have no sympathy for them wanting to take their own lives. "We couldn't go on"... you know, not being able to use our black card and take fancy trips wherever and be a part of the upper echelon of society... what I took her confession to mean was "We'd rather die than be poor." You know how many suicides were committed when the stock market crashed in 1929? Rich people can't NOT be rich. "STAY rich or die trying".

4. damn. i totally forgot what else

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