Sunday, August 28, 2011

I Survived!

Really? I come to NY and the city has a hurricane? It hasn't seen once since 1938 but 4 weeks into this mug and here come Irene with alllll the pandemonium to boot.

It must be the south florida in me. I do NOT believe ANY of the hype. I was very surprised my brother text me, "You ok?" Yes, why wouldn't I be? We used to HATE fielding phone calls from UK, Ghana, and the US whenever hurricane season was on 10. Yes, we did appreciate the concern but we're here and we know sensationalism sells. Boy, does it sell.

Then there was TMI getting all up in arms b/c I was sooooo nonchalant about I.rene... like, he really got an attitude with me cause I started laughing at him trying to tell me how to live during a hurricane. "Make sure you have water! Stay away from the windows! Charge your phone just in case the power goes out! Get some flashlights! They say this will be the storm of a lifetime!"


Really? Cause I haven't been living in hurricane ally for the past 29 years. You know what my storm of a lifetime was? Hurricane Andrew. Cat 5. You know what another storm of a lifetime was? Katrina, Cat 5. She tore up the gulf while I was in Tally.

This is my thing. There is an exact science to hurricanes. As random and powerful as Mother Nature can be, there is no such thing as random. Let me explain myself and her for a split second.

1. I.rene was a Cat 3 when she was down in the warm waters of the Atlantic. Guess what happens to storms as they come up the east coast? the water gets cooler and they get weaker.

2. Her eye was never really developed. A bout-it hurricane has a definitive eye, as clear as a doughnut. She didn't have one. the literal center of her being was raggedy. When it is not crystal clear, dry air gets swept up into the bands/storm and basically deflates it.

So cooler water + dry air... you see where I'm going?

Now the argument TMI and others were trying to make was, "Well, the buildings aren't built for hurricanes like they are down in Florida! you need to make sure you're on the 10th floor or lower!"

I live on the 3rd floor in Brooklyn. Please calm down.

Now maybe there will be a time when a hurricane comes and shows my behind what it's made of. I am definitely not doubting nature and it's power. I will tell you this, I am NOT one of those people who say "Oh yeah, we're going to tough it out." (see: white trash in their trailer homes). If I was back home and the mayor of my town told me to evacuate or find a shelter immediately, I will heed. I just seriously doubt that "hurricane of a lifetime" will be up here. I truly believe NYC went into a frenzy as a pro-active instead of reactive measure. For that, I applaud the city. Someone brought up the Blizzard at a press conf and Bloomberg said, "What does the blizzard have to do with this? That was unexpected. This, we plan for and we take action." Get it, Bloomy!

Now we have to stay tuned for winter and the snow that is sure to come! I know Jameil cannot WAIT for my suffering :-(((((((

On another note, school has been canceled for me tomorrow! I am excited! I get to go to school and finish up the last details I didn't get to and just shoved in teacher storage, lol! I will print out some activities and throughly plan my day :-) Summer vacay is almost over!!

3 returned the favor:

DaniColoredGlasses said...

Bloomy was excited to be able to look prepared for something, because the clusterf*ckry of the blizzard response almost got him put out of office.

Jameil said...

LOL I hate and love people like you at the same time. IDK who TMI is but it's hilarious that said person was trying to school you on the hurricane safety I'm sure you can recite in your sleep directions for regular people, elementary students and everyone else. LOLOL Can't wait for your first back to back snows but before that your first day!!!! YAY!!!! :P AND :))))

Cluizel said...

haha @Bloomy...his Spanish was no bueno. That offended my soul & 4 years of living in West Harlem/Washington Heights