Saturday, June 18, 2011

Thoughts that Cement Why I May Be Considered a B

1. do ugly people know they are ugly or do they think they look normal?

2. for real, why do Africans yell their phone conversations? you don't have to yell across the Atlantic, 'talk normal' in the phone.

3. i secretly think my dad sent me to this Ghanian wedding ("as a representative of the Ks of So.Fla") to catch somebody's eye. let it be known, i don't do straight off the plane.

4. i am so in love with the color purple now. can i let you in on a secret? the color of my bridesmaid dress? the one i was hemming and hawing about? yeah, i dig it. i got it on my nails (OPI*s 'planks. a lot') and i found a wisteria scarf. and i bought an eggplant colored dress from the G A P, and then a v-neck tee.

5. i can really go for some mango salsa right now. i think i will make some this morning and tear it up this evening.

6. this guy wanted to dance with me last night. sir, i won't dance with you and let me let you know why.

a) we're at a underground karaoke bar.
b) you have on a 'VIP' tag at said bar.
c) if i look closely, i really think you're wearing a linen 'fit'.

and this was NOT the man missing a front tooth! this was someone else!


Yesterday, i mentioned to someone that i hadn't gotten a perm since the beginning of april and that i may skip relaxers for the whole summer. whatever the case, i talked abt a product a mostly natural friend of mine uses* and you would NOT believe the heat i got! like, i really should've ignored the person but she got me on the wrong day at the wrong time and i went in on her!

first of all, she felt the need to let me know that #TeamNatural rules state you don't advocate a product unless you've used it yourself.
*record scratch*

*blink, blink*


hold the press.

stop the bus, i want off.


Did yo-?


after i told her where she can put those raggedy ass rules made by i guess the Boss Queen and COO of Natural People (see: some random with a u-tube channel), SHE TRIED TO DEFEND HERSELF BY SAYING, "Well maybe not rules, but there are guidelines. You know how relaxed people know to wrap their hair at night? well, there are guidelines for natural people too."

*logs off*

*she's not transitioning on purpose, she just has been working the flat iron and saw how east it was to be chemical free. it wasn't a CONSCIOUS decision, it was more a money/time crunch

3 returned the favor:

Patti said...

That last one does not make you a B. She was COMPLETELY out of pocket and you checked her butt. Some people take this whole having natural hair thing way too seriously.

Jameil said...

1) It depends on what they've been told.
2) Yo... when I was at your house, who was mad about that? ME!!!
3) LOLOL you and my friend whose parents are Pakistani immigrants. She wants a Pakistani AMERICAN. A man raised here, like herself. LOLOL I feel you. Huge cultural differences. And who the heck potentially wants someone telling them they're not African or pakistani enough? I would cut somebody!
4) I love purple! I don't like lavender tho.
5) I don't always love mango salsa.
6) I love to check old/unattractive/raggedy people who want to dance w/me. Now THIS makes you a B.

Hol up. TEAM NATURAL HAIR!?! People kill me w/that BS!! I have been natural for 7 years. I don't know my BC day b/c though it was exciting/scary, I didn't know the "rule" that you have to remember that day. I did it because I wanted to. Not as some big political statement. On the one hand, it is strange to "advocate" for a product you haven't used, natural or straight, but to say it's worked for other people? That's really... who wouldn't do that? People need to get over themselves.

And you know who makes these rules? People who dye their "natural hair." Please heffas. There's no such thing as natural hair.

None of these things make you so... but you are a B.

Adei von K said...

Patti- LOL at "that last one does not make you a B" so all the ones before it confirm that I am a B!?!?!??! GO AHEAD AND SAY IT, PATTI!! I'M A B!!! LMAO!!!!!

but yeah, it's just hair. you do what you want with what you want, holla.

Jameil- you are tooooo right. I've met some unattractive people and you can't tell them otherwise. then they have the boo-boo attitude to boot!

LOLOL Did Lyds wake you up one morning!? HAHAHAHA! "ALLO?! ALLLO?! EHHH, *undecipherable language yelling*

Girl, being in VA and attending this wedding let me know I will never be Ghanian enough. Where's my first-generation at?!?!?

Lavender is soooo pretty! But how bout I HATE the scent. OMG, vomit. it's worse than cucumber melon.

When you don't like mango salsa, is it cause you're not in the mood for it... you're not feeling the fruit and veggie combo...?

HAHAHA! Next time I'm out and someone wants to dance, I'm going to say, "I'm allergic."

We already talked abt this newly natural person; the last person who should be talking to me about things SHE'S now getting into that i've done TWICE already. girl, bye.
My main point was if good friends of mine use something, I can go ahead and give it a try and even share the word. Maybe someone else might adore it. She said that's like vouching for a politician you know nothing about.