Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Nightmare

I walk into a portable with only student desks and a long table present. On the long table, I see my book, a collectable 1st edition hard-cover version of ZAMM separated from its binding; pages ripped out. Dust jacket was removed from the book and on the floor. I run to the table and grab the book like it's a child's lifeless body. It might as well have been. I look at my brother looking bored while surfing the internet at a now present teacher's desk.

"Who did this!? How could this happen?!?"

Without looking up from the screen, he shrugged.

"Stanley!! What happened?! How could you let your friends to do this my book!? This is my book! My FIRST EDITION ZEN!!!! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!??!

"It's not that serious."

"ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW!? Only ANIMALS would do something like this! Your friends are ANIMALS!"

"Really? Animals? You're calling human beings animals because they ripped a book?"

I stared at him in disbelief. My eyes couldn't get any wider. I grabbed my tattered book to my heart and crumpled to the ground.

"Whyyyyyy? Why would they do something like this!?!?"

Then the tears. You would've thought I lost a child. I was wailing, flailing my arms. I was banging my fist on the floor. I think I was even looking towards the sky like, "Whyyyyyy, God!? Whyyyyyy!?"

I woke up and the pillow was across the room. I see I got physical and was throwing things!

Anyway, going to analyze this via dream dictionary to see what books and crying symbolise cause that ish right there, serious!

3 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

LOLOL Stop making up acronymns!! No one calls Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance ZAMM.

Adei von K said...

Yes they do. I actually got it from Amazon and Wiki, thanks. Wouldn't you shorten that title?

Jameil said...

LOLOL Not on first reference. This ain't no literary blog!!