Monday, May 09, 2011

Day 1 of 29

Wakes up, look at the clock... "6:56am. I slept in!"
Irons linen shirt dress.
Showers, brushes teeth, dresses.
Sits on chaise, enjoying the quiet bustling of Grand Street in Coconut Grove.

*ring ring*

Where are you?

In Miami?

Why? It's Monday, you're supposed to be at work!

I took the day off for my birthday.

Your birthday was yesterday, teachers are expected to be at work on Monday!

Mother's Day was yesterday.

You're going to get fired! You can't just be taking days off whenever you want to!

*dead silence* Presses end call.

Gee dad, thanks for ruining my day off.

1 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

You have vacation days for what? So you can take a vacation. Puhlease. Enjoy your day.