Friday, August 06, 2010

Day 4- What You Ate Today

I got up at 555a and started getting ready for my trip back to SoFla. I figured I could eat something once I get to the airport for my 730a flight.

Yeah, no. Security at DCA is foolish. One person for a whole terminal?!? OMG, I was abt to cry cause I thought I was going to miss my plane!! I was ready to be back home; I missed Drew and my family.

Once I got on the plane the only thing I got was cranapple juice. I like it and thought I need to get the cans from the store.

Detroit. I should get something to eat here. Yeah, I don't want quiznos at 930a. *sigh* more juice and this time, I got pretzels.

We land, Drew is on his way, he has arrived. There are three bags in the passenger seat. One from Vicky's PINK (UM 'nalia) , one from Juicy (boyshorts), and the other was a plain brown paper bag. I SQUEAL at the sight of the brown paper bag cause I know it's sushi from my favorite restaurant in Hollywood, Nakorn. Hmmmmmmm! a shrimp tempura roll, two pieces of salmon sashimi and a ginormous tuna roll with tempura flakes and avocado.

HEAVEN in my mouth. So glad Drew thought of feeding me.

We nap, I wake up and want ice cream. Not grocery store ice cream but like coldstone. There's no coldstone nearby so we walk downtown. One place was too expensive, then I decide I want gelato. I get to the gelato place and want ice cream. I meet in the middle and get a chocolate chip gelato.

FAIL. I should've stuck with my usual strawberry & lemon but SOMEONE told me to try something new. Last time I do something like that...

We end up walking to the circle in the middle of the city and getting some lemon icee that was more water than icee. It was alright.

Now I want some more sushi. I'm going to order some from the place that stays open till 1a... hmmmmm, sushi. I would SO have a sushi reception if most of the people who'll be invited to my wedding were cool abt raw fish... oh well!!

1 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

I'm mad Detroit didn't have anything but Quiznos. That airport is huge! You must not have had time to explore a bit. Mmmm sushi! I had an avocado roll today that had nuts on it... gross. No more combos, please.