Saturday, January 30, 2010

Mr. Big

Jameil got me SATC seasons 2-6 for Christmas. I've immersed myself in the first 3 seasons. I LOVE that show! As fab as their lives seem, it is still SOOOOOOOO real to Ms. Everywoman. OMG, every episode hits me and makes me self analyze. Darren Star is a moving pictures angel.

So yeah, remember my #truthis post? the truth about buddy who is no good for me but I still think about him? He's so my Mr. Big. But not in a committing adultery kind of way. Neither of us are married.

*deep breath*

Before you get your panties in a bunch, I haven't done anything with Little Big (LB). We chat occasionally, text more than occasionally, and wax amorously of the past.

He so wants to be my Bad Habit.

"So you're willing to cheat on her?"
"I wouldn't be having this convo."
"We shouldn't even be talking like this. I know if I was your girl, I'd be devastated if I saw these texts in your phone."
"So ya boy would be okay with it?"
"And there it is. Bye."

That was ATL last summer. Before I left for DC, he called to let me know he's in Florida for work.

"I'm here. Thinking about coming down your way"
"Uh, and going to Miami?"
"Yeah, I could end up down there"
"I have to... pack. I'm leaving for DC tomorrow and I'm busy and I... have to pack... I'm busy... I have to call parents... I have to call you back"

I haven't. He scared me being in the same state. It's pseudo okay chatting it up and jesting about the good times when he's in a different state. But being only (AT MAX) 6 hours away is too close for comfort.

I need to focus on my Aiden.

3 returned the favor:

Patti said...

Are you sure you want to call him your Aiden? I remember how that particular storyline turned out....

Jameil said...

I was thinking the same thing, P. Who is this man? yOu need to send me a text or something.

Adei von K said...

I'm watching straight thru with fresh eyes. In regards to this post, I'm only speaking from a season 3 perspective. Big & Carrie also got married and that's not going to happen in reality!

I call him Aiden cause he has eyes for me meanwhile, I'm over here having flashbacks and convos with an ex. He's doting and seemingly perfect while LB is a troublemaker (relationship-wise). But that's as close to the show as we're gonna get!