Sunday, December 20, 2009

Goals for 2010

1. keep my work area more organized.

Guys, I'm not nasty or dirty. I won't even use the word 'messy'. I'm just unorganized. My desk at school is a black hole of forms, worksheets, homework, toys, "gifts" from my children, and even money. Yesterday, my trifling principal decided to take a walk-thru (really? on the last day of school??) and see who had their lesson plans on their desk. Mine was on my desk, she just couldn't find it. It was under workbooks and craft examples (I always test out a project before I do it with the class). She left a note asking for it. I didn't bother replying cause she knows my deal. I'm an awesome teacher; my kids make crazy gains and they love coming to school. As for my desk? Holla at me in the new year.

2. take better care of my car.

I have a 2-seater sedan. Why? My backseat has been totally monopolized by JUNK. Clothes, shoes, papers, crayo-la products, cards, DVDs, CDs, etc. I'm the type of person to get in the car and throw whatever into the back seat. I plan on taking whatever out when I get home but I just say, "fcuk it, I'll get it later". Or not. So I need to keep Tima's interior neater.
Outside, I think the last time she's been washed was when I was driving back to Tally... for my last semester of undergrad. yeah.
I bought a lifetime balance and rotation but I don't know the last time I got them done. I do. It was back in 2007.
I needed to get an oil change back in Sept.

Since i'm not sure when I'll be able to buy my own car, I really need to do better with the 2000 Altima I have. 10 years is a good look but as you all have seen, she's falling apart! My baby!!

3. use my passport at least once.

I've had that joint since I was 2. Been to England 3 times before high school. Rode on a hovercraft between UK and France when I was 10. Fell in love with Holland at 7 years old. Someone with that travel pedigree needs to do much better. I would love to go back go Europe, specifically England. I have hella cousins there so I know they'd show me a good time.
I'd also like to visit a country in Asia. I want to save Japan for my honeymoon so before then, wherever Ant.Bourdain has been, I want to go. He can sell me Daytona Beach and I'd go there!
I want to go somewhere besides West Africa. I've always been intrigued by north Africa. Morocco, Algeria, or Egypt. I don't know what's going on with Libya but I think I should stay away from there. I'm sure times have changed but I was old enough to know what was going on with Pan Am back in '88.

4. have an all girls trip

I don't care where we go, I just want us to go.
I do blame FB for fab pics of girlfriends on cruises to Mexico and flights to Antigua... we don't even have to do all that (yet). I want us to start small. Let's go to NYC and shop! (at H&M, balling on a budget here). let's catch a show! let's GO!!!!

5. pick a beauty regime and stick to it.

by that I mean, I want to be consistent with my looks. If I'm going to get my hair done, I need to get it done like clockwork, rain or shine. If I'm going to be about my nails, manis and pedis every two weeks. If I'll go back to waxing, take it off every 4 weeks. Now I can't afford all 3 so I want to choose one and maintain it, then sprinkle the other 2 in whenever I feel indulgent.
Ideally, I'd pick hair appointments but hair removal is the bane of my existence. I can/have/will throw a tam on my head or hook up a headband. Hair on my legs? UGH! Razors dry me out like CRAZY and I have to iCal nair days. Plus, we all know hair doesn't grow back as quickly with waxing...

I think that's all that's pressing me for next year... keep you posted!!

7 returned the favor:

Patti said...

Oooh, goals. Love it!

1. I cant help you with that one...I feel like our house is always one dish/piece of paper/shoe away from needing to go on a TV show. I'm thinking about trying to be more minimalist - basically, cutting the crap. We'll see how that goes.

2. Wanna take care of my car too? I need to keep her til 2014, and at the rate I'm going she aint gonna make it.

4. I'm going to assume I'd be invited, so lets go! Wait, lets go after I get back from Barcelona in June.

5. Thats a gets my vote, and at least a pedi. Currently, I do hair every 2 weeks, and nails approximately every 4. Brows as needed. If I were you, I'd go with whatever you are most unwilling to do yourself.

Jameil said...

i just hope your work area doesn't look like your back seat & trunk. YIKES! i think my mom's messy car growing up (and still) has made me hyper sensitive to mine. yes it may be a little messy and banged up but unable to seat people? definitely not. i wanna use my passport, too!! as what is beginning to feel like an eternal student idk when i'd be able to afford a girls trip in 2010... you should win one! it's been too long since you won something big! i've got nothing on the beauty regime. wait. i feel like mani pedis should be one of those indulgent things, not a regular thing.

DaniColoredGlasses said...

1. I'm polar space is deplorable.

2. I used to be mannishly meticulous about my car. I think once I got the ding in the front I gave up on it. Tima and Jaece deserve better.

3 & 4...perhaps combine these? Bermuda? Toronto? NYC/Niagara Falls on the Canada side?

5. My vote is your hair (until summer)...everything else falls into place when you get your hair routinely done. When it gets out of control all hell seems to break loose. Once summer comes get the braids you've been missing then do manis/pedis like clock-work and sprinkle in the ical Nair days.

Cluizel said...

NYC is fabulous...

that is all

Rashan Jamal said...

1. I wouldn't think of unorganized when I think of you, so this one surprises me.

2. Not so concerned with the inside, but go on and get that oil changed. Make Dreezy take it. LOL

3. Sounds like a teachers summer vacation to me.

4. good luck organizing that one. You better set some dates like now to get everyone together.

5. yeah, i feel like I shouldn't comment on this one. LOL

Adei von K said...

Patti- hell yeah you're invited!!
I'm most unwilling to remove my own hair. It's tedious, sometimes painful, always takes to long and comes back too fast (whew!)

Jameil- yeah, my desk looks my back seat. #notagoodlook
It has been a while since I won something, NEW GOAL!
I can see how mani/pedi can be indulgent... down to waxing and hair appts

Dani- our fab cars do deserve better. But i've been in your car; it's meticulous, at least by my standards!
Very good idea to combine and girls/passport trips. Break out the passport cover!
You're so right about my hair. My whole LIFE is better when my hair is done! and there it is. Hair every 10-14 days!

Clu- trying to get to NYC in 2010!

Rashan- I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached!!
and you're a smart guy! You know better than to comment on the last one!! LMAO!!

T said...

1. Im trying to keep the room clean(er) . Im grown now , and grown folks have semi-clean bedrooms .
2. yep wanna do that one too
3. get my passport - oh wait , im getting it 1/6 /10 ( thats when I get paid ) ,its a must since Im going to jamaica in march
4. I want to do that too , maybe NYC
5. I vote either the hair removal or getting your hair done . Personally , I am gonna try to actually keep the eyebrows done