Saturday, November 07, 2009

one big fluck

I was just thinking about college. I spent 7 years there. 2 at Hampton doing something I didn't really want to do and 5 at FAM fulfilling (most of) my dreams. In those 7 years, I did somethings I just can't believe I did.

- I used to... light incense. 28B with the Hip Hop Hippies was my spot. Tribe and some fire and I was good. Shaking my head now cause I hate... incense!


What really triggered this post was Spring 2003. That was the spring semester of the year I transferred. That was also the 1st time I went to the Champagne Sip. Wait, I need to digress.

What really, REALLY prompted this post was Bacefook. I was thinking to myself, "Dang, have I really been on that thing for 5 years? Since 2004? That seems like a very long time... but it seems right" Then, I thought, "Wow, I'm glad it wasn't around spring 2003. Who knows what that Champagne Sip album would've looked like!"

Man, Spring 2003, I was'nt even 21 yet. I just broke up with a guy who was going to Iraq. Found out his ex really wasn't an ex but more like the wife who knows her husband cheats but is okay with it cause it's her name on the bank account? Yeah, that dumb hoe. "The gas in his car? I bought it." I hate that song, 'Woman to Woman'

anyhoo, not 21 yet.

Kitty and I are invited to an APhi*Que party. It's a dress-up affair so we go and buy ball gowns at our local Ross. I think I even had black opera length gloves... yeah, sit down dinner then dance the night away after sipping on champagne type deal. Oh, did we sip. Sip, slipped, and fell. All over the dance floor. Having the time of our 20 y.o lives. We took someone's shades and had a photo shoot in the middle of the dance floor, we possied up some chicks and guerilla dance attacked dudes (remember when a group of guys would surround you and pelvic thrust you to death? The tables were turned that night! SO MUCH FUN!), we did who knows what else cause honestly, I don't remember the rest. And if it was 6 years ago, I still wouldn't be able to remember. It was that kind of night. But let me tell you how to this day, there are some A*PhiQs who have and will come up to me and say, "Where's your homie? Y'all were the ones with the shades on, right?" Me or Kitty would deny it vehemently cause we wouldn't want him connecting anymore dots. We'd die if he said, "Yeah! That was y'all! and one of you was left with my Frat! Oh yeah!!!!"

See, no.

Spring 2004 had the Eyes Wyde Shut Sip. Now THAT one was LOOSE! LOOSE! Like, Kitty and some others have told me I was sitting on some dude's lap kissing him like there was no tomorrow! AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! WTF STACE!?!?!??! and then let's not talk about how I woke up with one shoe, one earring, and a tux jacket on. "Whose is this?!!?" I was in my own bed, but still! Thankfully, FB was around but no-one had digital cameras like that yet. If you wanted pics up, you had to develop and scan them! (LOL). USB cords weren't readily available for the instant upload and twtpic was barely a twinkle in someone's eye. *whew!*

Also in 2004, I entered a pageant. Knowing what I know now, I wouldn't have done it cause I think it messed up my chances to join the sorority I want to do. Me in my eternal naivete didn't know all the politics that go into greek pageants. Oh well, I met, dated and hated a frat boy that Spring. *sigh* I remember going to house parties with him, disappearing and reappearing. Word? You just gon use someone's room like that? LOOSE!
"That" lasted for way too long (as recent as 2006 and messages since day 1). He was born on National Asshole Day (April 10) so we constantly bumped heads. why did I put so much time and effort into him!?? To make myself feel better about that time "with" him, I exacted my revenge for all he did... those of you who have been around know what I used to do...

Spring 2005. Champagne Sip is a bit more ritzy than the year before but that's where I met the musician. UGH. Can we not talk about him? I just know I dealt with some crazy, crazy mess. And did crazy things. *shaking my head*. Yo, I used to ride motorcycles. MOTORCYCLES!! WITH NO HELMET, NO JACKET! Just chilling on the back, leaning when he leaned. Now that right there is TRUST. One false move and you're road kill or at least VERY scarred for life. Can't believe I literally put my LIFE in that sociopath's hands.

I kinda remember a night in Texas. I was drunk and we rode back to the apt. Imagine me being passed out drunk on the back of a bike riding down I-35 going 90 miles an hour. All I remember was getting on the bike on 6th Street and getting in the bed in Round R.ock


That's another one that had me doing some crazy mess. Both me and Kitty had our share of, "could've landed us in jail" mess. I remember us going to wahlmart to get black sweatsuits and socks.

I'ma leave it at that.


Now in between Champagne Sips and "serious" relationships, there were flings. THAT'S what makes me really think about how crazy college is! OMG, it was nothing to hop in the car and drive wherever at whatever time to see whomever! I had a guy fly from Atlanta and another drive from ATL. Not really much of a casual dater, I shake my head at the casual "dates" I had!! OMG!!!! And I was on the waaaaaaaay tame side of things!!!! I'm sitting here thinking about the chicks who are flat out HOES! flat out OFF THE CHAIN!! How can you get down like that and walk the campus the next day? have you know shame!? Hearing stories of how the band gets down home and away? how frats get down with dumb chicks who want to be down with the sister sorority?? (that much I KNEW not to get into)... how people are just nasty like that, it makes me wonder,

Was college just one big orgy?
Why does it change once you cross the stage after shaking your dean's hand?
If I was single, would I really be able to get down the way I used to?

I barely drink anymore!! The last time I would say I "drank" was the ATL Classic. Two drinks. A Pineapple Vodka and an apple martini. Word? I used to be flat out WASTED. I went to one Oil Spill (can't take too much of the Bruhs, esp when liquor is involved), some blue juice jams, and we already know about the Sips. Then there are the 2-for-1 at your fave restaurant or someone's house party, or shit, the house parties Kitty and I used to throw! Between the drinks and the guys, all I can do is shake my head.

College was one big PARTY PARTY PARTY where we all got WASTED. GUCCI!!

4 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

Lol. I can't believe we just simultaneously posted about drunkenness without knowing the other was going to! You know I was beyond tame. I passed out NOWHERE unless I was with someone I knew and trusted-- almost always one of the crew. I don't believe in that! I would forget about things and only remember them when someone brought them up, then have near-total recall. SO glad fb wasn't around back then! lol. i have rolls and rolls and ROLLS of undeveloped film i'm sure has some MADNESS on it!!!!! wow!!! i keep saying one summer i'm going to go home and develop all that film. that would be so funny!!!

DaniColoredGlasses said...

I vehemently support going away to college so that you can have 4-7 yrs of FREEdom and then you can really start your life with newfound knowledge and a slightly battered liver. I will never take back one second of college fabness (even the "heartbreak" parts).

Oh yea....

Phhhhhiiiiiiii QQQQuuuuueeee! (Tis all)

Adei von K said...

Jam- that is too crazy!!! You da homie!!! WE ARE ::HERE::!!!!

Girl, I didn't even mention US at Champagne Sip 2005... LOLOL Dancing to the car alarm!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
OMG, do you remember me drunk dialing Thesaurus Rex? *FACE*
I remember slipping out of the car when we FINALLY got back to Kitty's apt! OMG, longest 3 mile drive EVER!

Dani- I wouldn't take anything back either! those were clearly the best days of our lives (to date)!
Did your chapter throw Sips?

DaniColoredGlasses said... a chapter we would have been bankrupt just trying to post bond.... Of the chain just drinking water...