Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cooking Cautiously

Jam and I were talking about... duh, food and what we WON'T touch. Basically, things we don't feel we're ready to or even want to attempt to deal with right now.

It all started when she asked how my veggie diet is going. I answered, "I need more shrimp recipes. If I could eat sushi everyday, I'd be set." One way to eat sushi everyday is to make it yourself. Yeah, I'm not there yet. Besides actually making it, I'd need to go shopping for very specific ingredients and tools/utensils. Don't feel like doing all that right now.

We talked about fennel. How often will I need that? If a recipe calls for it, we're passing it.

Various vinegars. Rice wine, red wine, white wine, balsamic, etc. Do we really need 40 different vinegars in our pantry? I'ma go with no. Next recipe.

Leeks. Pass.

Endive. Uh, no.

French cuisine. Nope.

Sesame oil. Too expensive for the one dish I'll use it for and make maybe ONCE a year.

Jam tripped me out with this one: egg yolks. "Two egg yolks? Next." She's so straight on separating eggs! LOL! I think I'm going to start separating my eggs and beating them separately so I can get a fluffy consistency by folding that whites back in...

Oooh, one thing I'm not ready for: lobster/shrimp bisque.

Do you know what goes into that thing?!?! I had a taste for some and looked up Ty Florence's recipe...

I should've known better than to look his ultimate ass recipe up. But recipes on other sites weren't too far off which lets me know I will be going to Hole Foods for my bisque.

The last thing I will hold off on is risotto. I've seen too many bad endings with that dish on TV.

Maybe over the summer, I'll try one of the above. Maybe.

4 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

Didn't you see I made risotto? With a box. It's very high maintenance w/o the box. Even w/the box you're supposed to stir frequently in the last 4 minutes. I really can't believe you stole my post though. The beginnings of this post are in my drafts. YOU.ARE.WACK.

Rashan Jamal said...

I'm all about easy cooking. Most of the spices I have b/c of Jam. Other than that, I'd be content to not try all kinds of new things.

Adei von K said...

Jam- I did see that you made risotto. I *pointing to my eye* won't touch it. I burn biscuits and waffles so something as high maint as risotto is not for me, yet.

Did I really *steal* your post? Key word: DRAFTS as opposed to my POST.

Rashan- Aren't you glad you have Jameil to try all those fun spices you wouldn't have thought twice about buying??? :-)

Jameil said...

it was to be posted the next day. you are so WACK.