Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Photogs were ON IT!

Uh-Oh. This is why I say no flats after 7pm. Cause they might look like hers. You don't wanna win!!!

The next 3 are my FAVORITE shots from the party!! Those photogs were on it! These looks like some incriminating shots on GMO or FBY!!! LMAO!!!I need some funny captions...

Adei and her secret lover meet on a rooftop and share a passionate hug as he whispers something in her ear.

Adei stands coyly and smiles from ear-to-ear once she hears the good news! Stay tuned to find out what it is!

Adei and her unknown man rock out to their favorite song as he keeps her close! Spies at the event say they never left eachother's side and were in their own world!

OW!!! I love this shot!!!! I think they should play this song at their next party when I come thru...
Yes, shoes!!

3 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

ok i don't know how i missed that last pic!! you're obscene!!! you hoochie! love the captions tho!

Southerner in Suomi said...

stop hatin of flats dangit! every chick I know (not big bertha in your photo) wears them because they are short (5'2" or less). I am not that and can't be hoisting myself much higher.
But dude does look like you're secret lover. LOL!!

Adei von K said...

Jam- I am not obscene. I'm FUN!!

VDizz- I'll stop hating on flats. There are some very nice ones out there. I think I was just appalled by hers a such a nice event.
MW is my pact lover! I think we get married at 30 if there are no other prospects! LMAO!