Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Road Trip

I made it to G'ville, FINALLY!! For those of you who tweet, you know I missed my exit messing around with the radio DJ... naturally, I won something... blah, blah, blah. Luckily, I keep a giant randmcnally in my back seat so finding the next state road that will take me to the turnpike wasn't THAT scary... it's just that being lost in anywhere north of Palm Beach Gardens isn't what I consider fun. I was riding west down one road when I realized it wasn't going to take me where I wanted. U Turn and back up 95. I got onto the next road and it happened to run thru St. Cloud. Let me find out its a quaint little city! But, as Jam and I were talking on our way to Ocala, "quaint" in central florida = Hangan!gg@ville. Yeah, that good ole Strange Fruit. Maybe I can come back with Dreezy.

After we ate at Dragonfly- speaking of last night, can I tell you how fab we looked?! Str-8 print models (cause we're not tall enough to be runway although we carry ourselves as such). And all in some jeans with a solid tee. Jam had a purple off the shoulder joint with a purple ribbon tied in her hair. Gold shoes and bag finished the accessories. A Que's dreamgirl. I went the rockstar route with my hair and big gold hoops. brown peep-toe basket weaved pumps and my speedy, I was reds-ta-go. we thru on minimal makeup (mascara for me, lilac eyeshadow for Jam) and it was a wrap.

After we ate at Dragonfly, we dropped our leftovers in the fridge and went to pick up Jam's classmate in Ocala. The sky looked so amazing; I tried to take a picture of the stars... yeah, the flash didn't reach. lol. Fake John is funny, reminds me of Jimmy Neutron. We were talking about organic chicken farmers and Madonna's bell ringing. You had to be there.

We are supposed to go to Tally today... yeah, I think I will go tomorrow. Jam and I have to make our younger siblings' gifts for their graduation/birthday. Arts and Crafts galore!! Then we're going to buy hella picture frames, spray paint them and make her wall a friend museum, to compete with her shoeseum of course. TTYL!

6 returned the favor:

Desy said...

got me lickin my computer screen... sounds like an amazing start.... and never go to OCALA at night ya hear!

Rashan Jamal said...

How can you talk about how good Jam (and you) looked without providing a picture? Hmmph!

I'm a pass on the Strange Fruit places.

Have fun with your arts and crafts projects. Be sure to talk to Jameil like she's one of your students. You know she likes to go outside the lines. LOL

Jameil said...

win something good next time, k? thx. interracial couple in "quaint" places? sounds like a bad idea to me. we are so fab!!

Jameil said...

and rah, i will WHOOP YOU!!

Adei von K said...

Desy- not licking the screen!!! LOLOL! and yeah, I'm str8 on ocala...

Rashan- there was no-one on 1st street to capture our fabulousnessocity, thanks!!
LOLOL @ Jam going outside the lines!!!!! LMAO!

Jam- I need to win some money, 'round this piece!! I'm surpised you didn't call me an Iota sweet lol
You should beat your man regularly so he's knows better than to come out his mouth like that.

Southerner in Suomi said...

LMAO@ Dessy. I felt the same way!