Thursday, March 19, 2009

Oh Yes!

Spring is in the air!

The merino wools and tweeds are gone; replaced with linens and white pants.

Corduroy? No thanks, I'll take lightweight jersey.

Bubbles? Nope! A cropped spring jacket will do!

I love spring! My name (Anastacia) means, "of the spring time" so its only right that I revel in the season I happened to be born in! (I don't think my dad knew all that but it obviously worked out).

Oooh, french manis and electric strawberry pedis! Tube dresses and strappy flats abound!

Gone are days of hot chocolate and clam chowders! I want a bellini martini with a capresse panini followed by lemon + strawberry gelato! Pronto!

**DaniQ, you were so right abt me doing SoFla chic. Broward and Dade Counties have my name all over them**

With 47 days of school left, I can't help but to be geeked at what the season holds!

Spring is in the Air! Let's get it!

6 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

lol. okay lil giddy! long as it's not hot!

the joy said...

wow, you switched up pretty quick...

Desy said...

daaaanng... never seen so much joy over the spring season. but it is beautimous down here and the sun STAY poppin. I love being a travelin therapist in this kind of weather.... windows down, music crackin.... loves it!!!

Rashan Jamal said...

Yeah, when I think of spring, I think of high pollen counts and not being able to breathe. Give me fall any day.

Adei von K said...

Jam- being hot is a given and I will take that ANY day :-)

Joy- that's the difference a day can do! Also, gray skies and rain aren't a good look for my psyche.

Desy- yes girl, and you are in a beautiful city! Send me your phone number via FB asap!

Rashan- you tube Debbie Downer and come back to my blog!

Rashan Jamal said...

Did you hear about Feline AIDS? Its the number one killer of domestic cats today.

*insert Debbie Downer sound effects*