Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March drives me MAD!

The month started FREEZING cold.

Then it was BLAZING, Africa hot.

Today, I woke up and it was POURING.
Like, "everyday in the summertime between 1-2:25pm anywhere in Florida" raining. You better ask somebody who knows about Florida summers.... hurricane season as we like to call it cause its pretty much summertime year-round. The house we built in Tallahsse was pushed back several weeks cause of raining and subsequent flooding.


In March, some over 100 days of school into the year, TWO of my children were full out crying. As if it was the 1st day of school and they had separation anxiety. To their young defense, we had our award assembly and they saw their parents in the audience. Still, act like you know we have snack and reading at this time! This is not a new day!


Yo, there are some 50 school days left in the year! I can't wrap my mind around that... I basically have two months to get my kinders even tighter than they are! OMG, my students have BLOSSOMED in the last few weeks!! There was a point where we were all on the up and up and then it seemed like they plateau-ed. I was worried. Oh no, these children are pulling tricks out their bags and are quite frankly, STUNNING me! For example, writing.

Writing has always been my least fave subject to teach. Its so subjective and there is no "right" way to teach kinders how to write. Math is cut and dry. Reading is letters, then sounds, then blending. Writing? *exasperated sigh*

I tried to do what other teachers have been successful with but it wasn't working for my class. Just this Monday, we put together a paper flower in science and I used it as a independent prompt for writing. I said, "Write about your flower" and let them do whatever comes to mind. Can I share the work I got?

"I like my flower. My flower is blue. I can plant seeds. My flower have a stem. The flower have a leaf."

Ummmm, that's 5 sentences. FIVE sentences!! Can I tell you how these children came in barely knowing how to hold a pencil and write their own names?!?!!!?!?!?!!?!? I asked my stellar writer, "Who taught you how to write so well!??!" and he replied,
"I just know."

Word???????? Ummm, don't make me pull out the paper when your name was a whole bunch of wingdings!!!!! Talking bout, "I just know.."



So next week, we have a field trip on Wednesday...

Regular day Thursday...



You know once SB gets here, its a FOR REAL countdown to the end of the school year!

All I know, is that March better get right by next week!

2 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

the weather is crazy!! crying? i can't do tears. this is why i'm not a kindergarten teacher. dead @ wingdings!! lolol! i just know. i'm smart like that. hilarity. florida keys here i come!

the joy said...

not wingdings!!! lmao!!!

aw the chirrens. seriosly ms k, can you teach my kids? if im rich by then you can be their private tutor.