Saturday, February 28, 2009

QG Saves Me

So maybe once a month, mom and I take anything made with fabric and do it big at the laundromat. Comforters, pillows, sheets, towels, EVERYTHING. Yes we have a fully functioning laundry room in our house but washing and drying comforters alone makes the laundromat worth it.

As you can imagine, the population that most laundromats serve is...


I overheard 3 too many conversations about what, "he had said 'bout you to Qwon an 'nem".

As a matter of fact, for those of you on twitr, I heard that "orientated" commercial at the 'mat.

Hampers and baskets full of paco jeans, doo rags, and team jordan tees.
Citi Trends' (or is it Trendz?) Spring 2009 Line, Baby Fat (yes, Fat) tattooed on jeans, and the bedazzled/grommetted/chain-linked top to match.

I sat there with the "mess with me if you want to" face as this guy rode up on his bike. Please kind sir, continue on your route to Pleasant City Estates. He pretended to ask the associate on duty a question:

"so... I can drop my clothes off and y'alla wash 'em for me?"

*eye roll*

Pissed I left my Podi in its dock at home, I sat and thought of how Lyds owes me big for making me do this by myself. Then I remembered...

My newly arrived magazine was in the car. With a huff, I left the "comfort" of the 'mat whose version of ventilation is opening the front and emergency door and got it from the front seat. I've never been so happy to see Justin Timb. "Hey there, boo. I can't wait to read you."

With new found swag, I took my seat by the pay phone, propped my feet on one of three baskets and read. How awesome was the letter from the editor? And can I talk about the model in the Ralph L BlackLabel ads?? I scoffed at the Siva Black Card and took notes from the All You Need to Know about Cologne column.

I don't even need to make a, "please don't try my life by breathing by me" face when I have my mag out :-)

3 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

YAY!!!! The laundromat I love for allowing me to wash all of my clothes w/the quickness but hate for the sketch people who work there and use. can i get one in the nice part of town??? please???

the joy said...

Not paco jeans. I may have to sneak and read this at work just for the cologne article.

Rashan Jamal said...

A magazine makes people leave you alone? I'll have to try that.