Thursday, February 12, 2009

He's Got a Point...

In class, we are doing a unit on weather and seasons. During science, I ask the class to give me different kinds of weather:

"Rainy!" "Cloudy!"

"Partly Cloudy!" "Sunny!"

"Foggy!" "Windy!"

"Snowy!" "It doesn't snow in Florida!!"

"It snows in Georgia!" "And Virginia!"

Okay, they know what they're talking about! Granted, we choose the weather for day during calendar so it was just a matter of remembering what weathers they've seen. Learning at its finest.

We talked about how sky looks during each weather, what it feels like, something we can do, etc.

"You can fly a kite when it's windy"
"You can go to the beach when it's sunny!"
"You can play four corners when it's rainy!

Okay, y'all know a lil sum'!! Now its time for seasons which is a harder concept to grasp.

"Who can name the seasons? There are only four of them."


then silence so I gave them a hint

"When its really hot outside, and you don't have school, its...


This next answer came from my favorite boy.

Jordan, you have your hand up. What's another season?


"Basketball seas-? You know what? You are so right"

3 returned the favor:

DaniColoredGlasses said...

(sigh) the youth....

La said...

LMFAO! That is so cute... but let's hope he learns before he grows out of that age where it's still "cute" and not "stupid", lol

Jameil said...

of course jordan would be the one to know that season. his parents i'm sure are fanatics. lololol. "we gon name our baby after the best playa eva!"