Monday, August 04, 2008


There's lots of it in the family. One thing the mom has said, for as long as I can remember, "Don't marry into a big family."

The dad is one of twelve. Different peronalities; favorites... compound that with children, wife, and his own life... lots of shit going on.

Someone is about to snap.

I hear it from both sides and I don't know who makes more (or less) sense. I talk to the mom and I'm appalled at the actions of the dad. I talk to the dad and think the mom needs to chill the fcuk out.

Now I'm here listening and I hear Scrappy being channeled, You on't want know no problems...

That damn BET.

5 returned the favor:

the joy said...

Imagine having 2 big families. My mom's sis used to date my dad's bro (25 years ago) and his wife is still jealous. All you can do is sit back and say "Mmm" cuz you DO NOT wanna get in it.

DaniColoredGlasses said...

Drama is in the people...not the numbers... but either way definitely stay out of it as much as possible. I'd hate for Armageddon to go down with you in the midst.

Rashan Jamal said...

My mother's husbands family be having drama. I try to stay out of it as much as possible unless I'm clowning them with my sister, in which case its funny. When my mom talks about it, I find an excuse to leave the room. LOL

Jameil said...

girl. my dad is one of 9, my mom is one of 5. 5 doesn't sound so bad. and still personalities clash. ay dios mio. (practicing for the HH)

Adei von K said...

joy- exactly. all I say is, "wow" and "true"

dani- i see it as this. when the numbers are small, the chance of having a drama queen/king are small. the more people you bring into the equation, the more likely some ish is going to go down. PLEASE no Armageddon!!

rashan- wish I could hang up the phone when ish comes up but I know its a form of release/therapy for them to get it out, you know?

jam- smh, clashing of the personalities should've been the title of this post.