Sunday, June 22, 2008


I hate shopping for them. although I love shopping in itself, the pressure of finding something perfect by a certain time gets on my nerves. I don't like doing ANYTHING on someone else's time. Why do you think I skipped so much class? if I didn't want to do chemistry right after lunch, they I won't be doing chemistry right after lunch!

how did that work out for you, Dei?
shut-up, stace.

So there's my mom whose b-day was yesterday. She is one of those people who always got something to say, therefore, being a pain to shop for. The gift card is a beautiful thing but I HATE BUYING THEM!!! to me, they say, "i didn't feel like buying something personal, you know, to show that I care. Knock yourself out when you get a chance"

Knowing who my mom is, she gets a gift card.
to show i care.

and a gift. to show I care.

and a meal at a restaurant of my choosing.
again, to show that I care.

She's still talking about her mother's day present (necklace, giftcard, lunch for the two of us)


This time, she got a M.uvico gift card and some B&B.Works. She looooooooves hand creams! OMG, it can be easy to shop for her but when you get what she likes, its like, "oh. more lotion." or "oh, more pajamas"; (her two favorite things in the world)


Now Drew's b-day is 7/7. I personally think guys are easy to shop for. Knock out a s.ean john button down... maybe an e.cko hoodie, some jordan b-ball shorts...

one year, i did it big and he got an en/yce sweater, an authentic iv.erson jersey and some flannel pj bottoms from the GAP. I got 3 out of the 7 days of Haunukah, holla back. but you know what his cancer ass' favorite gift was?

the flannel pjs.

I want to get him some sneakers cause my boo loves him some shoes but...



WTF, dude?

I saw these re-released Jordan 1's that would be AWESOME on him (he looks good in brown, khaki, cream, etc) but alas, they only come in sizes up to 11.

I don't want to get him clothes cause he can barely wash and hang the ones he has!!!! what to do?!?!!?

He cuts his own hair and beard, but... every man loves an old fashioned shave right? like the kind they show in gangsta movies? where they whip the shaving cream up and apply it with a big boar bristled brush after steaming your face with a towel? then they take a leather strap and sharpen the blade... yeah... that sounds like his present right there.

Along with a gift card to Champ.s.
to show that I care.

3 returned the favor:

the joy said...

There's 8 days in hannukah. Lol.

Boys are easy aren't they. I can't tell you how many black tees I have gotten Kesi over the last 6 years.

Do you know how to shave a man? I like drew's lil scruff. Its a good look for him, and also probably why people can't place his race. Is his hair naturally curly? I love that.

Jameil said...

that shaving kit is fab!! love it! oh cancers. you don't have to worry abt me liking the pjs best. i sleep in the nude....

I KID!!! but i have a million tshirts so i don't like pjs.

Adei von K said...

joy- ooops! 8 days! sorry drew!
i love his beard, too! maybe they can shape it up? i'm more for the pampering aspect of the gift, you know?
his hair naturally wavy, so cute when he was in high school!

jam- it does sound fab, doesn't it? i hope he loves it.
TMI, Jam. TMI.