Saturday, April 05, 2008

Woo Hoo!

I found a new hair dresser!!  Woo hoo!! So excited!!

Now JC Penny held me down when others couldn't or wouldn't so I'm not going to do the "fcuk you, fcuk you, fcuk you, he's cool..." thing but...  i had to find me a real salon and not a conglomerate that happens to do hair!

I called my church homie who's hair ALWAYS looks good and luckily, she cancelled her 9am appt with Althea.  "Let me give her a call and see what we can do.  I know you will not step into the Gala looking like 'who done it?' and 'why'"  930am, I'm at the salon and 10am, I'm under the dryer.  I stayed under there a bit longer than I would've liked to, but who's complaining when you're a walk-in?  I was totally grateful to even be there!  Around 1230pm, I left with the most ginormous, 'archived wig from the Supremes' hair ever!  it looked like a wig!  My roommate burst into laughter when I came downstairs! It was funny, but luckily it has calmed down.  What do you think?

4 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

YAY HAIR!! You rock body!! Body rock a body rock...

Desy said...

foxy hair...

need a pic in it's un coiffed state to get a full understanding of its versatility

morning pic?...yeah i know...not

Rashan Jamal said...

Looking good, Diana!

Did you take those pictures in an art gallery? LOL (no I'm not serious, just referring to the painting over your shoulder.)

Adei von K said...

jam- I make ya body rock!!

desy- thanks babe!
morning pic? you know those are the worst!

rashan- that's in our living room! my roomie's bro is an artist in Savannah.