Saturday, February 23, 2008

so strange

I don't know why I have shades on.

I'm lying.

I said, "I'm going to be a diva a wear shades ALL day, starting riiiiiiiiight now"

That was at 930am, in bed.

Got over that real quick.

That's all! back to a regularly scheduled day of NOTHING!

5 returned the favor:

Cluizel said... lol

GreatWhyte said...

Room temperature liquids get absorbed faster? Where in the world did that little gem come from? lol

Jameil said...

you are silly plus nutty! love it.

the joy said...

Yeah... I'm gonna have to start sleeping with shades on my nightstand...

Ms. emmotions said...

diva wit that big shade at night?
lol, well u kinda look cool in it tho, quite natural witout make ups